Could do better The two little boys next door have taken to calling us Joy and Rean, despite repeated parental correction. We hear their shrill voices calling to us over the garden wall or when we meet in the street. Though we’re not sure which of us is Joy and which is Rean, we stand not upon the order of our naming but give them our attention. Contact is made. Likewise, I don’t think it matters much if we get a bit mixed up with our name for God when we pray. Most prayers in the Bible are addressed to God, but some are to Jesus, and though few if any are directed to the Holy Spirit, he certainly wants to speak to us: teaching and guiding us about what to do and where to go, and with whom. Moreover, when we call out to God, by any of the names given to him in Scripture (and there are many, reflecting different aspects of his nature – though the NT special, always preferred by Jesus, is still ‘Father’: as in, When you pray, say, Our Father who art in heaven...), by whatever name w...
A group of 13 Methodist Churches in North Bradford, West Yorkshire, sharing God's love within their communities.