The Bradford North Circuit came into being on 1 September 2009. Our Ministry Team, supported by ciruit employees, other clergy, and volunteer office holders, serves churches from across the north of Bradford in West Yorkshire. Our churches vary in size and personality but together we seek to share God's abundant love with those we meet through the wealth of activities offered across the Circuit.
Worship - The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love.
Learning and caring - The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care.
Service - The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice.
Evangelism - The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.
Individually and collectively, we follow a Methodist Way of Life.
Our journey of discernment continues as we explore what it means to be "church" in our communities.
The mission which matters is that of the local church, and the circuit exists to support and facilitate that mission. The ministry we are all called to exercise is always local, seeking to serve people in the places we inhabit - where we live, work, spend our time. This mission and ministry, diverse and varied though it is in response to local contexts, will reflect appropriately the calling of the Methodist Church. In coming to decisions about how we use our resources we need a balance between local need and opportunity, and wider concerns. We seek to help one another be good stewards of the time, talent and treasure entrusted to us.
Being Church Amidst A Pandemic
In the midst of all the challenges presented by Covid-19, we have celebrated a message of hope, of light that comes into the darkness, and of God’s coming into a world of need. As Christians, we seek to live by the hope and truth that God is with us in Jesus Christ. In our churches and Circuit, we continue to share in the Christian life, building on ways of keeping in touch and witnessing to God’s Word that we have developed through periods of lockdown. Throughout this time we have had to learn new ways of being church, sometimes eagerly embracing opportunities that have presented themselves, at other times reluctantly pushed into what has needed to be done, but in every circumstance looking to the Spirit’s guidance and power to keep us in Christ’s way.We invite you to join us on our journey of hope as we live day by day in God's loving presence.
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