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Virtual Worship - 27 September 2020

Jesus Shaped People – the Journey to Jerusalem

Jesus recruits unlikely people and gives them challenging work to do.

So far we have had the theme set out for us by Mervyn Flecknoe and Rev Gordon Dey. Our thinking and sharing is based on the gospel according to St Luke chapters 9 – 19.

The last two weeks services have reminded us how Jesus focussed his work on the poor the marginalised and the outcast; and how Jesus uses everyday stories to make clear the message that he brings about God loving all of us and about what is important and what is not.

Service sheet (pdf)

Call to worship (from Psalm 25)

Take me by the hand, lead me down the path of your truth. You are my saviour aren’t you? As I worship, help me to recognise the milestones of your Mercy.


Hymn read or listen to  Jesus is the Name we honour (StF 354).

A collect (Prayer) 

Lord Jesus Christ, you called your disciples to follow you, and you sent them out to do your work. May all find and respond to your calling today so we can build your church with the living stones you provide. Amen

Lesson – Luke 10:1–24


Jesus has gathered a varied and unusual (to our way of thinking perhaps) group of people to help him to spread the message of God’s love. And now they need help and guidance to equip them for events that Jesus knows they will have to cope with – even to a time when Jesus isn’t going to be there.

Read Luke 10 verses 1-24 from your favourite version of the Bible


Right from the beginning of his ministry Jesus called a range of people to follow him, to be with him, and to learn from him. First to respond were fishermen, Simon Peter and Andrew, a little further along the shore, 2 more fishermen, responded to Jesus - James and John. Matthew the tax collector, others of whom we know very little Judas Iscariot is an alleged thief,. Simon the Zealot was what we would call political agitator or even worse. And this varied bunch   had seen and taken part in some very special events, - lepers healed – great stories told,( the parable of the sower being one,) a woman healed from a dreadful disease that made her a social outcast – just by touching His cloak! 5000 people fed from just 5 loaves and 2 fishes–  and Peter James and John had the privilege  of seeing Jesus radiant in Glory and they heard the voice of God! (We call this the transfiguration)  oh yes they had seen plenty to convince them about Jesus – and they were all still there! – none had left and gone home. In fact, we read in Luke chapter 10 that Jesus sent out 72 of his closer followers 

But now it was going to become more challenging! And some training was needed – and Jesus did this by giving a bit of advice and sending them out – thrown in at the deep end. Sometimes it has to be like that even today do you remember learning to drive? – being prepared for your test? Being told all the things that would happen – preparation was great…. Until you’re sat in the car with the examiner at the side of you nothing can fully prepare you for that moment. Your first interview, Or that time when perhaps your work colleagues ask “ are you coming with us for a day out next Sunday – and you have to reply sorry but I won’t be there because I will be in church! Nothing can prepare you for that moment.

So Jesus throws them in at the deep end… but not without some advice, and a warning! You will be like lambs in a wolf pack – Travel light no purse bag or sandals – be mindful of your goal – don’t be distracted

Be realistic – not everyone will welcome you  - but to those who do give you a welcome then share the good news from what you have seen

And it was a success! It had been a positive time. The disciples returned full of confidence and amazed by their experiences and Jesus shares their exuberance with a word of clarification – the success is not yours! it’s not what you do for God but what God does for you  - that’s reason for rejoicing! And his final word on these events –You are SPECIAL you have recognised the hand of God in all this – there are many great people who have looked but have missed the wonder of God at work!

So what can we take from this that will help us to be “More Jesus Shaped?” 

Firstly, we all are; or can be; Disciples of Jesus – there is no qualification, no required length of service, no Health check. – Scripture tells that Jesus invites and all we have to do is follow but beware! He says:-

We will be like Lambs in a wolf pack -  today we might be regarded as  a bit odd – in an age where conformity to style, thinking, appearance, activity can become the target of social media, and other forms of pressure may be upon us as we try to live out our faith – we need to recognise the pressure, ignore it, and progress in faith

We are told to Travel light – to concentrate on the example of Jesus  - in word and action – don’t get weighed down with “Religion” but rather go on in faith 

Don’t be distracted – When Jesus says to you “Follow me “ as he does again and again remember his words ASK and you will be given, SEEK and you will find, KNOCK and the door will be opened for you ….and the original text means a continuous process to keep on ASKING,, SEEKING and KNOCKING

Be realistic  - things don’t always work as we would like – in life we experience rejection, sadness, hurt, frustration  but Jesus warns us that this will happen so it is to be expected

Recognize that God is at work – Reflect on the words of StF 94 to God be the glory

Give Him the glory, great things He has done – and continues to do in the power of His spirit)

The Football team  

Many years ago , when most people had only one TV channel and only the wealthy had two channels, when I had finished reading my comic, “The Eagle” (Those of you under 60 go and ask somebody for an explanation) I went to the park to join the others in a game of football. We played 35 a side for most of the evening and the boy whose football we used was KING!  - he would select someone to be the other team captain and together they picked their team from the crowd – and I was always one of the last to be picked- it was getting desperate when those of my skill level had to be chosen – I wasn’t any good. The captains had a level of selection that was far better than perhaps they realised  - they picked good goal scorers, fast movers, a goalie who could leap and dive for the ball and so on, until there was only me and a few others like me who were left.  – they wanted to pick a team that gave the best chance of winning. 

Today we have looked at the people that Jesus picked for his team  - fishermen, a tax collector (Boo!) a political agitator, a thief,  and others, an unlikely team but a team who got the best advice and support to help them do the challenging work that Jesus had for them to do.

The difference is that unlike the lads in the park, Jesus doesn’t look at the obvious skills and qualities that we might think we have that would make a good supporting team for Him. And He does the same with us – selects us, challenges us stretches us. Jesus takes the most unlikely people and equips them to work for Him  - in church, at work , in our neighbourhood. And you and I may just be that unlikely person to join his team. And to be Living stones from which His church is built. Living Stones that are Jesus shaped!

Prayers of intercession

Loving Lord, we pray for your world, divided by culture, divided by wealth, divided by power, and we pray for all those who have influence that love may overcome hate and suspicion, that love may overcome greed and selfish aspiration. As we pray for those with influence we think of international leaders, leaders and workers in government and local government. Those who work on Town Councils, those with influence in our neighbourhood and the roads where we live. Then we realise that we can have influence, and we pray that our influence will be for the common good. 

Lord Help me to be Jesus shaped

Lord we pray for your church, that with all its pressures and distractions the work that it seeks to do; is to do your will. Guide us guard us keep and feed us through the power of your spirit . Bless us each one, as we strive to do our best, and to recognise what it is that you want me to do

Lord Help me to be Jesus shaped

Lord we pray for people, people whose lives are on the edge, caught up in war; suffering with disease; displaced and a long way from home; living in circumstances, the reality of which, we can only try to imagine. May they know your love which crosses all situations and circumstances and knows no limits. And make us generous in our giving; limitless in our loving; and endless in our sharing your love. We pray for people for who the pressures of our current situation create challenges that were not even thought of a few months ago. May they know peace, and love to ease their tensions 

Our prayers we offer in the name of Jesus who shows us the best way to live, the boldest way to share love, and through the power of His Spirit will guide us and support us.

Lord Help me to be Jesus shaped

The Lord’s prayer


Closing Hymn – statement of faith StF 315 in Christ alone, the Living stones quartet.

Closing Prayer 

Heavenly Father we rejoice in the new life we share in Christ, and we long to be more like him in word and deed. May his journey be our journey, and may his ways be our ways, so that he can walk our streets, and transform our communities. Amen

The Grace

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever Amen


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