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Showing posts from June, 2015

Saltaire Church had fun, whilst raising funds

Members and friends of Saltaire Methodist Church enjoyed a VE celebration lunch, after the service and General Church Meeting on Sunday 12 May. The menu included:  Spam, potted meat or jam sandwiches Tinned fruit, jelly and Carnation milk, Iced buns and chocolate crispies. A collection of £125 at the end of the meal was donated to Action for Children . On 11 May, we were joined by friends from Wilsden Trinity Church for a quiz and pie and pea supper. A total of £312 was raised for Christian Aid . Many thanks to all, for their wonderful support. Carolyn S, Saltaire

Bringing the Undercliffe community together

On the 16th May, after a lot of organising and prayer, Undercliffe Community Day arrived at St Andrew’s Methodist Church and what a response we received. The idea evolved from wanting to support groups who used our premises and to  show the community that we care. Therefore the aim of the day was for the community to find out information and services available in Undercliffe in a fun, informative and free way. It certainly was fun. Amazingly we had around 300 people call in to see what was on offer and the majority of them went away with smiles on their faces regardless of age.   Stalls offered support, advice, freebies and information. Demonstrations included dance, music and stories. Everyone received a free raffle ticket for prizes donated by local shops. The children had plenty to do including free face painting, a bouncy castle, crafts and a browse around the fire engine. To many people the offer of free refreshments, provided by the church, was a big surprise and...

Congratulations, Baildon – 125 not out!

Our Anniversary weekend, celebrating 125 years of worship in our current church premises in Baildon, had a crazy start on Friday 8th May. The evening opened with Crazy Bag Beetle, a new slant on an old family game. The MC was, I believe, Mervyn Flecknoe well disguised as a flamboyant clown. The game was progressive, noisy and lots of fun, giving us all a chance to meet other families. We came away with a bag of prizes and ready for the BBQ, ably cooked by Ashley and crew. For afters, we had a delightful Anniversary cake, baked and donated by Val Gilman. It was a perfect family evening. Saturday found us in more reflective mood. The morning was led by Rev Brian Brown who guided us through the Moral Maze asking ,"Who is our guide, in considering Christian Ethics?" Jesus is our guide and we are followers of "The Way". After the introduction, we considered 6 questions, moving freely round the tables contributing, in some cases, to animated discussions. Sunday ser...

Courage, Cost and Hope

You may have seen in the press, recently, references to the Methodist Church’s report on the Past Cases Review of Safeguarding concerns in the church over the last 50 years, a report entitled “ Courage, Cost and Hope ”. The report contains many recommendations and learning from its findings will feed into church life over the next months and years (including our Creating Safer Space training). In the meantime, one obvious response is to ensure in each church, that we are doing all that we are required to do under current safeguarding guidance . Rev Nick on behalf of ministerial team

Memorial to Methodist Conference 2015

“The West Yorkshire Methodist District asks the Methodist Conference to request the CFB [Central Finance Board] and JACEI [Joint Advisory Committee on Ethical Investment]  to develop an urgent action plan based on:   immediate disinvestment from companies involved in the  exploration or extraction of coal, tar sands or highly carbon intensive fossil fuels   total disinvestment from companies involved in oil and gas exploration and extraction by the end of 2018  3. seeking alternative investment in energy efficiency and low carbon renewable energy generation, where appropriate.”  At the West Yorkshire Methodist District Synod, held at Cornerstone Church , Great Horton on 9 May, no-one voted against the above motion. Over 83 voted for it and 11 were neutral. The memorial has been put to Conference which meets on 27 June – 2 July at Southport. Its origins were from Baildon Methodist Church Eco-congregation and it was proposed by Rev Sarah Jemison. (By...

Prayer for Bradford

Do you feel isolated  at your work?   Are you unsupported in your Christian faith in the world? After worship, we share a coffee and a chat. But that is Sunday. We never seem to talk about Monday to Friday.  Work may be stressing me out and there is no one to share this with. Work may be brilliant and there is no one to share that with. How do we find being a Christian within a secular work environment? Do we feel isolated, or pressured, or encouraged? Prayer for Bradford wants to help and support you, where you are.  They want to help Christians who work in any area to feel supported. Especially, those who work within: - Business, Education, Finance, Health and Care, Media and Arts, Politics, and Public Services. The aim is to gather the names of Christians who work in Bradford and, later in the year, invite you to meet in work-related groups.  e.g.  Education etc... This is to allow you to share with others how you are and what encouragements ...

What I bring to the Ministry Team

As part of the Circuit Leadership Team Away Day recently, our minsters were asked to describe what they felt were their strengths, and so what they bring to the Ministry Team. We have two contributions in this edition of The Link. There will be two more next month.   Rev Nick “I bring a desire and commitment, not that the church might do more mission, but that we will intentionally do all we do missionally; in other words consciously thinking through the opportunities each activity gives us to serve, share, show, tell, God’s love.  I want church life to be about people being enabled to move from being guests to being hosts, knowing they share in God’s mission. I am energised by enabling team-working (at all levels), creativity in worship (including all-age), imaginative encounter with scripture, and pastoral engagement and focused prayer.   I have much ecumenical experience, but have become wary of ecumenism as habit or for its own sake.  We should do things tog...

Haworth Road Methodist Church Weekend 2015

On Friday 15 May, many of our church family set off for our annual visit to Grange-over Sands. This being the 11th year since the weekends were reintroduced, a new team had been formed to be at the helm, planning and organising our time together.  Following the usual format, there was time for discussion, free time, fun and worship. The theme of the weekend was ‘Promises’ which proved to be full of scope and provoked lively discussion within the groups. Saturday evening is always fun as we join in a game or two & several of our number shared their talents and entertained us well. Epilogues relating to the theme were ably led to end the formal part of each evening, though the chat as always went on long after. Sunday morning worship and communion service was very special as Rev. Christine focused on our rainbow theme and dedicated the individual bookmark promises we’d made and offered to God.  All too soon, it was time for traditional Sunday lunch, after which a few l...

June Message from the Ministry Team

Dear friends, Over recent weeks we have had several reminders of how much God in Jesus loves us and equips us to live life well; to share his love with others and in so doing, bring Him glory and honour. How Jesus came amongst, identified with us, yet was without sin, and loved us so much that he died to deal with the hold of, and punishment for, sin in each of our lives.  How Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and having appeared to many witnesses, ascended to heaven, but did not leave us as orphans giving us the Holy Spirit to be our guide and comforter, to remind us of all that Jesus did and taught.  Through all this, we are called to go and make disciples in Jesus’ name, sharing a message of repentance and forgiveness.   We are called by God to life in all its fullness, in spite of our limitations - be they physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual. God is for us and calls us to engage with him and his world with joy. Through John’s Gospel, chapter 1...