Our Anniversary weekend, celebrating 125 years of worship in our current church premises in Baildon, had a crazy start on Friday 8th May. The evening opened with Crazy Bag Beetle, a new slant on an old family game. The MC was, I believe, Mervyn Flecknoe well disguised as a flamboyant clown. The game was progressive, noisy and lots of fun, giving us all a chance to meet other families. We came away with a bag of prizes and ready for the BBQ, ably cooked by Ashley and crew. For afters, we had a delightful Anniversary cake, baked and donated by Val Gilman. It was a perfect family evening.
Saturday found us in more reflective mood. The morning was led by Rev Brian Brown who guided us through the Moral Maze asking ,"Who is our guide, in considering Christian Ethics?" Jesus is our guide and we are followers of "The Way". After the introduction, we considered 6 questions, moving freely round the tables contributing, in some cases, to animated discussions.
Sunday service was such a joyous, uplifting experience, with tears of joy, smiles and hugs all round, with everyone sharing their happiness. A truly spiritual morning. Again Brian led us in family worship and parade. He gave us "Three Tips for an Anniversary Celebration", or “How do we recognise a "Spirit filled Church"? During the service an Anniversary Sampler, originally commissioned by Gay C and worked by John B, was unveiled. It was also both moving and amazing to hear again “Westgate”, a unique piece of music composed by our own Roy Copley, over 20 years ago. This time it was played by our new young orchestra, led by Heather and Roy, and their performance having a richly-deserved standing ovation.
And for something to keep us going, 125 booklets were produced with 125 things to do in 125 days and sold for - you've guessed it - 125p.
This weekend was a brilliant start to the next 125 years.
Janet B, Baildon
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