District Synod is an important opportunity for the clergy
and members of all the circuits in West Yorkshire District to meet together for
conversation and mutual encouragement, and to be updated on changes to the
governance of the Methodist Church brought in by Conference.
Synod meets twice a year, in Spring (usually May) and Autumn
(usually September), and it is hosted by the circuits in rotation.
On 6 September, it is the turn of Bradford North Circuit to
act as hosts, and we have booked the use of Woodhouse Grove School for the day.
Whilst the school has made its premises available, the
school staff are not involved in organising and servicing Synod. That falls to
the circuit.
So we are seeking volunteers to help make things run
smoothly. We shall need marshals in the school grounds, to direct cars to the
car park, and marshals to supervise the car park and show people how to get
into the buildings. They will be needed for up to 2 hours in the morning (say
from 9.00 am until 11.00).
We shall need stewards inside the school, for signposting,
catering and meeting any needs which arise. These will be needed between 9.00
am and 4.00 pm.
The details of how to volunteer, and more about what is
involved, will be made known during August. For now, if you are willing to help
in any way, please reserve the date in your diary and await further
instruction. Your help will be invaluable. In fact, without a team of
volunteers, the Synod just could not happen.
Senior Circuit
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