ear Friends
How many times have you heard
people say in your church ‘Well, I didn’t know about that!’ Quickly followed by, ‘Well, if you read the notices …’
Communication within churches can
be wonderful, it can be a little frustrating and it can be never quite what we
had hoped. The same is true across the
Circuit, and very soon we will be reviewing methods and means of communication. Part of this review may include looking at
‘The Link’ and ‘Outlook’ in the light of our focus upon Mission. For example, it may be that we move more
towards what has happened and how it worked to encourage churches to
think about the stories that they have to share, rather than being a notice
sheet of things to come.
Which leads me to ask, have we
ever wondered about who it is we are
trying to communicate to, and about what?
For example, there have been many adverts in ‘The Link’ about coffee mornings and cake. Indeed, it has sometimes read as though that
is all we do! So, what are we trying to
· Are we inviting friends from all over the
Circuit to come and support each others churches in their efforts?
Are we saying to each other, “Look we’re doing
· Are we saying to each other, “This appears to
work at our church - might you try it as well?
If so, we might be able to offer you some advice and help.”
We could be saying all of these
things, and there would be nothing wrong with that. But how often is the result that people from
church support people from church? It
may be different churches, but is essentially reaching people who already
support the Christian Mission in our Circuit.
Yes, we can find ways of letting each other know what is going on, but
would it be better if we spent more energy in communicating and engaging with
those in our own locality about what we are doing. Reaching new people, maybe even people we
don’t already know!
Yes, lets support each other with
ideas and experience, offers of help even.
Let us also remember that Jesus commanded us to “Go to all nations …”
and start where we are with the communities that surround us, and the churches
we attend.
Every Blessing Ian
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