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Showing posts from July, 2014

Weekend to Commemorate World War I

Bolton Methodist Church Coffee Morning 10.00 am to 11.30 am Saturday 2 August 2014 with an opportunity to view a small display and spend some quiet time in the church. Service to remember the victims of war and pray for peace 10.30 am Sunday 3 August 2014 Led by our own congregation Church open for quiet reflection 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm Monday 4 August 2014

"Healthy Churches" day

Do you remember the series of services which were delivered in all our churches by a team of preachers in early 2013? The sermons covered ‘Seven Marks of a Healthy Church’ and provided a scriptural context to the consultations which have followed. Well, we have arranged for the author of the ‘Healthy Churches Handbook’, Canon Robert Warren, to come to the circuit to lead a one-day seminar called “Developing Healthy Churches”, which will help us to look at how we might make changes to the way we run our churches, in order to make them more attractive to outsiders and more ready to serve our neighbours. The seminar will take place on Saturday 20 September at St Andrew’s, Undercliffe from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm. Canon Warren, is a most inspiring speaker and his ideas are very stimulating. If we are serious about building the kingdom of God in north Bradford, then we cannot afford to miss what Robert will say to us. If we do not think it important to build the kingdom, then wh...

District Synod at Woodhouse Grove School Saturday 6 September

District Synod is an important opportunity for the clergy and members of all the circuits in West Yorkshire District to meet together for conversation and mutual encouragement, and to be updated on changes to the governance of the Methodist Church brought in by Conference. Synod meets twice a year, in Spring (usually May) and Autumn (usually September), and it is hosted by the circuits in rotation. On 6 September, it is the turn of Bradford North Circuit to act as hosts, and we have booked the use of Woodhouse Grove School for the day. Whilst the school has made its premises available, the school staff are not involved in organising and servicing Synod. That falls to the circuit. So we are seeking volunteers to help make things run smoothly. We shall need marshals in the school grounds, to direct cars to the car park, and marshals to supervise the car park and show people how to get into the buildings. They will be needed for up to 2 hours in the morning (say from 9....

Your journey through the Bible

"I' ve read bits of the Bible but I don't really know how they all fit together." "I love the Bible. I'd like some help to understand it better and how it applies to my life today." "I' ve never read the Bible much but I'm interested in finding out more of what's in it." Any of those quotes sound like you? Then the E100 Bible Reading Challenge is for you! The challenge is to read 100 carefully selected, essential, short Bible passages - 50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament. The passages are usually one to two chapters in length and can easily be read in 10 minutes or less. It can be used by churches together or individuals on their own. What is it? The E100 Bible Reading Challenge is based around 100 carefully selected Bible readings (50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament) designed to give participants a good understanding of the overall Bible story from Genesis to Revelat...

What happened at the Circuit Meeting?

The Circuit Meeting took place at Christchurch on Monday 16 June. There was routine business to be dealt with, including reports from the various office-holders. There was also a very important conversation about the way the circuit will operate from September onwards. The long process of consultation, which churches had been engaged in for a couple of years, had drawn to a close and the Circuit Leadership Team presented a set of proposals, based on the findings of the consultation. The meeting agreed that, subject to minor adjustment following a short extension of consultation, the proposals would be implemented. Here is a very brief summary:- From September, every church will know who their link to the Ministerial Team will be. This Link Minister will normally chair the Church Council and the Pastoral Committee, and work with those in leadership in the local church. The 0845 number and the point of contact rota will continue for public and pastoral contact with the team, a...

Grandparents for a safe earth

Please look at the Grandparents for a safe earth website  to be inspired by what grandparents and elders are doing about climate change.  Their recent actions are in line with our  Bradford  North Circuit Memorial to the Methodist Conference (approved by the Circuit Meeting in March : 'Bradford North Circuit requests the Central Finance Board of the Methodist  Church to disinvest in firms whose main purpose is the extraction  of fossil fuels from the earth.' This Circuit Memorial (Motion) was passed by 29 votes to 7 with 16 neutral. John Baildon

Are you being called to be a Circuit Steward?

This is the text of an appeal I made to the Circuit Meeting on Monday 16 June. Because our position is becoming serious, I have decided to reproduce it, for a wider audience:- David will step down from being a Circuit Steward in August. That will reduce our team to three, when we started out with 6! We have been searching for replacements for Ann and Lynne for over a year, but so far, no-one we have asked has been willing to step up to the plate. It may be that people are being put off by what they imagine the task to involve. And so the Leadership Team has asked me to outline the current role of circuit stewards in Bradford North. So here goes…… In past years, the circuit stewards would manage the finances of the circuit, look after the manses, invite new ministers to the circuit and deal with many administrative matters, necessary for the smooth running of the circuit, All this, in tandem with the ministers. Now, in Bradford North circuit, many of the tasks formerly ca...

Fairtrade’s 20th Birthday Clarified

On Saturday 31 st May, we held our Fairtrade Summer Fair at Calverley, which was a very successful event with lots of different people coming along. £358.54 worth of fair trade goods were sold and £83.50 raised for Traidcraft Exchange through donations for refreshments and competition entries.  Sarah Jemison won the Tea Quiz and Jean Denton successfully found Shanti’s schoolbag.  Both win a copy of Bake a Difference, a new fairtrade cookbook produced by Traidcraft.  In last month’s Link, I said that it is Fairtrade’s 20 th birthday.  The more informed of you will be aware that Traidcraft was started in 1979 so is clearly much older than 20!  In fact, this year is the 20 th birthday of the Fairtrade Mark, which was launched in 1994, so although the fairtrade movement has existed for much longer, it is 20 years since official certification of fairtrade products began.  When it was launched, the Fairtrade Mark appeared on just three products – one ...

Haworth Road Church Weekend Away 2014 - A very pleasant surprise

                    I was persuaded to join the party of 23 for the weekend away to Grange-over-Sands this year.  I was apprehensive as to what to expect and concerned whether my religious knowledge would be adequate to take part in venues and discussions.  My fears were allayed as everyone was so friendly, relaxed and made me very welcome.  The hotel was extremely comfortable and the food excellent. We were given a theme for the weekend which was “Connecting”, and we split into groups and discussed the subject for 2 hours on the Saturday morning.  On Sunday morning a service was held, led by the Rev. Ian Griffiths, which included Holy Communion. The remainder of the time was free for everyone to pursue their own interests.  We were entertained in the evenings with singing, sketches and games.  A good time was had by all. Many thanks to the organizers...

July message from Rev Phil

Dear Friends,      The Methodist Church makes provision for its ministers to take a three-month sabbatical break from the routine of ministry every seven years – this year, in my case! By the time you read this letter, I will have already started my sabbatical and I will be absent from the circuit from mid-May to mid-August.     This is not an extended holiday but an opening to do something different, as a way of being refreshed in ministry; an opportunity to ‘power down’ and to get away from a hectic, diary-driven ministry, in order to spend more focused time with God. It is a requirement and not an option for ministers to take their sabbatical break.     There have been two main aspects to consider in planning the sabbatical. The first has been to decide how I should use the time. For your interest, I am pressing on with studies begun through Leeds University (which could lead to the award of a PhD), reflecting on my wor...

Baildon says "Farewell" to Rev Sarah

Photograph by Ros Crosland Photography Rev Sarah's last service at Baildon Methodist Church was on Sunday 6 July2014. To mark the occasion, Mervyn Flecknoe gave her a leaving gift from the Baildon church family. Rev Sarah leaves the Bradford North Circuit to commence a new appointment in the Bradford South Circuit at the start of the next Methodist year.

Art exhibition

Just come back from an amazing exhibition of children's art produced by 'Young Masters' of Idle Arts Studio who meet at Thackley MethodistChurc h. Sadly full show finishes today at Kala Sangham. Some work with stay in the cafe, so if you're in Bradford pop in. Well worth the effort! Rev Sarah

Going, going .. but not gone ... yet!

Many of us have been there.   The last minute rush to tidy up, do this, do that before the holiday – or in my case, before the move. It rarely seems that there is much of an opportunity to “wind down”.   And perhaps that is as it should be.   For, as Methodists, we know only too well, “ministers come and ministers go”.   But the work of the Kingdom continues.   And so it has been this week. The opportunities to shine the Light of Christ in the world come in all sorts of ways.   This was highlighted again one morning.   First, a call from the Police; then a baptism visit; followed by a call about a funeral and another from a lady whose husband is close to death.   Oh, and not forgetting trying to organize a date for a couple wanting to get married.   And that was just a morning! Not every morning do we get all of that when we are the ministerial Point of Contact for a week, but it can and does happen.   Y...

July 2014 Prayer Column

Prayer and trafficking In prayer (as in all discipleship) we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the ‘powers of darkness’ led by the devil (Eph 6:11-12).  He always deceives to destroy (John 8:44), and we can use this knowledge in our praying.  Take human trafficking, for example: Deception :  ●Riches are used as a lure, offering a better way of life (we’ve been similarly hoodwinked for a long time) but you can’t serve God and money (Mt 6:24).  ●There’s often corruption of officialdom by bribery.  ●Blatant lies are told to victims, and probably to ‘customers’ – ●who’re duped to  see sex as a god of satisfaction, ●and who’re obviously cheating on their wives, to whom they have made marriage vows.  Marriage is a gift of God, to be honoured (Gen 1:24; Mt 19:15; Heb 13:4).  ●You may be able to add other points. Destruction :  ●Prostitution is doing for money what should be done for love, and the commercialisation of sex ...

Memories are made of this!

Sunday July 6th - what a great day!  17 new members welcomed at Baildon MC in the morning - I pray that they will continue to sparkle as God's lovely people! Tea with the folk at Crag Road Methodist Church a happy time, around the table in the 'back room', where on Fridays hospitality is extended at the Drop In. Two inspiring memories to take with me! Rev Sarah 

Good News! Church Membership increases by ten percent, Shock!

Photo by Ros Crosland Photography It was a joyful occasion when seventeen new members were welcomed into Baildon Methodist Church on Sunday July 6 th . All affirmed their commitment to following the way of Jesus within this local church. A party feel was introduced as each new member was sprinkled with glitter – a sign that they are ‘God’s lovely people’. Baildon Methodist Church, the product of four mergers, functions as a vibrant hub for the community of Baildon, a town of 18,000 people.  About 60 groups use the premises, involving over 1000 users per week, a third of whom eat lunch in the volunteer-led Wesleys Fairtrade CafĂ© .  The church won Eco-congregation awards in 2009 and again in 2012.  Membership, at 180 souls, has been falling in recent years and, in common with other churches, this one constantly saw its teenagers leaving without becoming members, despite extensive youth work.  For 15 weeks at the beginning of 2013, the church undertook...

Sunday 6 July - what a great day!

Sunday July 6th - what a great day! 17 new members welcomed at Baildon MC in the morning - I pray that they will continue to sparkle as God's lovely people! Tea with the folk at Crag Road Methodist Church a happy time, around the table in the 'back room', where on Fridays hospitality is extended at the Drop In. Two inspiring memories to take with me! Rev Sarah