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July 2014 Prayer Column

Prayer and trafficking

In prayer (as in all discipleship) we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the ‘powers of darkness’ led by the devil (Eph 6:11-12).  He always deceives to destroy (John 8:44), and we can use this knowledge in our praying.  Take human trafficking, for example:

Deception:  ●Riches are used as a lure, offering a better way of life (we’ve been similarly hoodwinked for a long time) but you can’t serve God and money (Mt 6:24).  ●There’s often corruption of officialdom by bribery.  ●Blatant lies are told to victims, and probably to ‘customers’ – ●who’re duped to  see sex as a god of satisfaction, ●and who’re obviously cheating on their wives, to whom they have made marriage vows.  Marriage is a gift of God, to be honoured (Gen 1:24; Mt 19:15; Heb 13:4).  ●You may be able to add other points.

Destruction:  ●Prostitution is doing for money what should be done for love, and the commercialisation of sex is degrading.  ●Money is being used to humiliate the poor, when it should be used to help.  ●Sexual immorality is against God’s law, and distorts gender relationships.  ●It is wrong for one gender to oppress the other , ●especially when force is used, leading to enslavement .  Human rights are denied and life is made less.  ●Disease often ensues, and then spreads by further contact – far afield.  ●From disease comes death by degrees, and destruction is completed.  ●You may be able to add other stages in the process.

Each of these is a prayer point, for claiming the Lordship of Jesus.

A prayer for each week
Lord of Truth, please help us to see the truth, to tell the truth, and live the truth – and please expose the lies of those involved in human trafficking.  Amen.

Lord of Fidelity, faithful to your word, please show us the truth in Jesus; and pour weedkiller on all the harmful false gods invading your garden.  Amen.

Lord of Life, lavish in your blessing, please help us to honour your gifting.  Please also defeat the schemes of those who undermine marriage by lies.  Amen.

Lord of Resurrection, able to save from the depths and restore, please lift our lives; and bless rescue workers helping the victims of trafficking.  Amen.

Your own prayers


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