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Showing posts from October, 2021

Prayer Column - November 2021

November 21 and COP 26 We’ve had a long build up to this climate change conference in Glasgow: multiple urgings for CO2 containment and reduction; political questions about who should make the most change and by when, and whether we’re ready for the implied lifestyle changes; and threats to agreement posed by the looming energy price crisis.  Even our own Circuit has been asking all preachers to address the topic on the first Sunday of each month.  For what then should we be praying? In the face of political wrangling, we might pray for harmony and mutual acceptance and respect. In the face of rising energy prices we might pray for compassion for the less well off. We might also ask that research may be blessed and fruitful, with results presented and discussed with transparent integrity. But in view of the (truly vast) world climate unknowns, we would do well to ask for guidance from God, who alone does know all – the future as well as the present. There is every reason to pr...

Virtual Worship - 31 October 2021

Service sheet (pdf) Call to worship: Behold, I make all things new, beginning with you, and starting from today, Behold, I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the way. Song Hymn STF88/ HAP 16 Praise to the lord the almighty the king of creation Prayer of Adoration God of love, you are so much more than anything we could ever imagine. Abundant love flows from your very being. We know your love is the greatest of all. We bask now in that love, making our small offering in return. We love you with all our heart, all our understanding, and all our strength – and always will. Amen. A prayer of confession “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Mark 12. 30-31 Lord God, we confess that we struggle to love others. Sometimes we don’t even recognise who our neighbour is, never mind knowing how to love them. Encourage us in your ways, O...

Virtual Worship - 24 October 2021

One World Week 2021 Service Sheet (pdf) Hello and welcome to worship. from Bradford North Methodist Church brought to you by Peter Jackson, Lay pastor at Baildon Methodist Church Today we focus on One World Week and the theme this year is “Act now for our children’s World”. We are very close to the start of the COP26 conference of world leaders in Glasgow. COP 26 is the title of the 26th Conference of the Parties - parties being those with influence from countries large and small, rich and poor, from all across the world. They come together to try and thrash out a way forward that all can work to so that climate change can be controlled through the way countries work together. Some will be able to take a lead and offer help. Others will need help so that together the targets may be met. Today in worship we keep in mind this massive task that all the world faces so that Gods creation can be saved if we “Act Now for our children’s World”. Collect Loving God, Who so loved the world you g...

Virtual Worship - 17 October 2021

Service Sheet (pdf) Welcome to worship today with the Bradford North Methodist Circuit. In today’s service, Jesus’ teaching about greatness in the kingdom of God gives us the opportunity to explore working our place in his community. As it says in a favourite hymn of mine: ‘Teach us to serve without pride or pretension, Lord, in your kingdom, whatever our place.’ Call to worship: God our creator, we are made in your image, create and reshape us anew for your purposes. God our sustainer, who sent your Son Jesus to be our servant, by your grace, forgive us where we have hurt your world. God our guide and inspiration, open our hearts to receive your wisdom, inspire and direct us – in Jesus’ name. Amen. Song We either listen to or sing along with our opening song, From heaven you came (The servant King) (Singing the Faith 272, Mission Praise 162) Opening prayers We join together in prayer as we offer our praise and make our confession: God of community, you look down from heaven on your c...

Virtual Worship - 10 October 2021

Harvest Service Service Sheet (pdf) Welcome to Worship in the Bradford North Circuit. This is our Harvest Service. We share the joy of harvest tinged with regret that the harvest is so inequitably shared between God’s children. Call to Worship: Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson Hymn 130 in Singing the Faith, We plough the fields and scatter Collect for the day Lord of the Harvest, grant us gratitude for all our food, give us grace to see the needs of every race, help us curb our greed, help those in need, leave this world a better place. Amen. The Bible Parts of Genesis 1-2:13 God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared. God saw that light was good God named the land Earth. He named the pooled water Ocean. God saw that it was good. God spoke: “Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, Every sort of fruit-bearing tree.” And there it was. Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, And fruit...

Virtual Worship - 3 October 2021

  Service Sheet (pdf) Welcome “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it; the world and all who live in it; For he has founded it on the seas and established it on the rivers.” (Psalm 24:1) It’s autumn – the season of falling leaves, of plants dying back to nourish the earth again; fruits and vegetables are being harvested, squirrels hiding their stores for the winter to come – it’s part of what has seemed an ongoing, unchanging pattern of the seasons. But the seasons are changing. And we are asking, what are we doing to the earth? How are we misusing God’s good gifts to us? What do we need to hear and do? Song First of all, all the earth is God’s, and all creation offers its praise. We hear this in the hymn of St Francis of Assisi, no.99 in Singing the Faith and sung by the Chet Valley Churches: Prayers of Adoration & Confession (written and led by Jackie Marshall) Lord God, Creator, Deliverer, Redeemer, Provider, Healer. All these wonderful, strong words, yet no words...

Prayer Column - October 2021

Works in progress I’m a member of a national art society for all artists, amateur and professional, and they hold an ‘Artist of the Year’ challenge. During lockdown I entered some of my drawings, and to my surprise one got through to the second round of judging. Encouraged, I had another go this year, and again one did well – but another made it to the finals! They tell you this weeks before the winners are selected, and I couldn’t help imagining what it might be like to stand on the podium. But then reality began to whisper. I would have to get the thing framed in a hurry, and take it to the exhibition for a week a hundred miles away, just when we’d booked a holiday. And frankly the prize and kudos wouldn’t really matter to me, whereas it might be a real benefit to someone else. So, fun though the experience would doubtless have been, it was not without relief when I heard I was an also-ran. What a contrast all this is with being a Christian, where the works of art are us – be...