Interceding with the Lord
A sick friend asks a group to pray. You do, and they get better. There is pleasure, rejoicing and praise: God is good. Someone else beseeches you to pray their house will sell, because it’s been on the market for ages and things are getting a bit desperate. So you say you will, but then doubts arise: ‘For Sale’ signs festoon every street; can God really intervene? You reflect on Scripture for a few days: God is Almighty, he’s the Creator he makes the blind see and heals the lame; with him nothing is impossible! With strengthened faith you ask – and a few days later, ‘I’ve got a buyer!’ Oh, glory! And so it goes. You pray and God answers: sometimes very soon, other times later. Even with such chronic world ailments as poverty, figures show the evil tide seems to be ebbing, gradually, overall.
Some plights seem especially affecting: a young family torn apart by debility or death; or the children themselves struck down in some horrid way; or addiction seizing unwary youngsters in its vile grip, ruining lives. Some haunting ills just get worse as you pray, and deaths occur. What then? We’ve seen we should resist doubt, but when to desist, and just leave it with the Lord? Or should we ever insist, praying with more fervour, perhaps with clearer understanding of the case, or by seeking the Lord’s will or word? Or as Jesus said, just persist, like that widow with the judge, refusing to give up till God answers, as he promises he will to his faithful (Luke 18: 1-8)? There are no rules or how-to techniques. We are only asking favours of the Lord God, believing we do so according to his will, and trusting in his goodness and compassion. Let’s pray...
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
Heavenly Father, thank you for prayer and your promise to hear us. Give us faith in your almighty power as we pray, so we can resist all doubt. Amen.Sovereign Lord, whose will is supreme in all things, help us seek your guidance as we pray, that we can confidently ask “in the name of Jesus”. Amen.
Compassionate Lord, caring far more than we ever imagine, help us as we pray, giving whatever insights we need, into the problems or your will. Amen.
Righteous Father, combining mercy with your justice, forgive us for too easily giving up in prayer, when you take longer to answer than we’d like. Amen.
Loving Father, reconciling Son and life-giving Spirit, One God, flavour our prayers with caressing care as we lift others to you for healing or help. Amen.
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