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Virtual Worship - 13 June 2021

Parables for Bradford - Week 2


Good morning and welcome to this service from Bradford North Methodist Circuit My name is Peter and I am Lay Pastor at Baildon Methodist Church and a Local Preacher in the circuit. You are welcome, whoever you are; if you’ve been worshipping with us for the past year or so; if you’ve just found us as you sit there, curious to see what happens -you are welcome. And if for any reason, you would like to speak to someone we have contact details on the screen at the end of the service. Today we continue with our theme “Parables for Bradford” a parable is a short, simple story that teaches or explains an idea, especially a moral or religious

idea this is week two and our parable today is the story Jesus told about two people who built houses – one on a rock foundation and the other on a sand foundation – we shall hear the story a bit later.


HYMN (StF398) There’s a Spirit in the air… verse 5 gives a practical example of gods love at work


God of all builders help me to find a firm foundation for my life so that my decisions, my actions, and my speech are acceptable in your sight AMEN


Matt 7 vv 24-29 – from the Message version

24-25 “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.

26-27 “But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.”

28-29 When Jesus concluded his address, the crowd burst into applause. They had nev-er heard teaching like this. It was apparent that he was living everything he was say-ing—quite a contrast to their religion teachers! This was the best teaching they had ever heard.

Context of Jesus words

Lets go backwards for a moment – the Summary which can become the basis for the teaching of Jesus – People were amazed at his teaching because he spoke with authority and not like the teachers of the law.

The story of the wise and foolish builders comes at the end of the Sermon on the mount. At the beginning of chapter 5 in Matthew we are told “ When he saw the crowds Jesus went up on to a mountainside and SAT DOWN, his disciples - these were people who were following Jesus eager to hear what he had to say – not just his 12 close followers his disciples came and He began to teach them …. Jesus starts with the what we call the beatitudes – Blessed are the poor in spirit and so on but the sermon on the mount cover Chapters 5, 6, &7 where Jesus addresses how we should set standards of living, how we should relate to others how we should help the poor . How we should set the FOUNDATIONS for our living

Then to wrap it all up Jesus says if you hear my words and put them into practice you will be like someone who builds his house on the rock… and here is the warning! If you hear these words and Don’t put them into practice you are like someone who builds his house on the sand - lets remind ourselves in word music and picture what the parable says we are like.


The wise man built his house upon the rock - you may remember the tune and the actions

Lets go back to where we started – People were amazed at his teaching because he spoke with authority and not like the teachers of the law.

The credibility of Jesus comes through because those who heard him saw that He lived everything He was teaching – quite a contrast to their religious teachers.


HYMN -(StF 690) Churches one foundation - we have heard Jesus talk about the importance of solid foundation 

What is the Sure foundation for you? – do you believe that you have a sure foundation or are you searching for that special something - either way that is good that is great – what are the signs for you ? where do we find the “Guidance”? – we’ve heard a lot about guidance this past year or so

Well – Matthew 5, 6 & 7 Jesus gives us standards for living that are as sure as a house built on rock- Jesus tells us this.

Elijah – the Old Testament prophet – fled for his life because Queen Jezebel was out to kill him - Elijah disappeared into the hills searching for God to protect him; and He would wouldn’t he? After all God had enabled Elijah singlehanded, to discredit the prophets of Baal – that was the problem for Jezebel . and in the hills Elijah experienced violent extremes of weather Violent wind, earthquakes, and fire… but God was not in any of these powerful events - but then Elijah heard a still small voice

John Wesley – searched for a a long time and travelled extensively searching for that personal relationship that was promised to him and to us - scripture tells us that the love and power of God – is SHOWN to us in Jesus – and then one evening he went reluctantly to a meeting ….. and his heart was strangely warmed –

Mother Theresa - Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catho-lic religious congregation that had over 4,500 nuns and was active in 133 countries in 2012 – doesn’t that sound amazing? And do you know what her “Guidance” to us is – I think this is equally amazing

‘Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.’

A few weeks ago we heard from people we know in our circuit who found themselves in a place where they had to ask “what next”

So – seeking or strengthening - there we have some examples to help us
  • Elijah – found God in a way that he didn’t expect
  • John Wesley – found God after all his searching, - in the normality of his daily life
  • Mother Theresa - help one person at a time – the person nearest to you.
These examples will help us to build - through faith – a life that has a sure foundation built on the rock. But remember, those who heard Jesus recognised that he lived out the things he taught but let us examine ourselves and our credibility – there is a list of questions in the booklet - let us pause for a moment on 3 of these.
  • Do I always tell the truth even if it is embarrassing?
  • Does what I say always help others to feel better about themselves?
  • What is the one thing I could do today to live a better life?
Don’t just pass on but pause and reflect on each of these questions and try to come up with an answer.

As we think about parables for Bradford we could become overwhelmed with all the problems that we could see. – not just here but in any city – and not just problems among the materially poor – food – finance. At Baildon we host a growing Alcoholics Anonymous group – supporting people across all levels of society .

But mother Theresa says don’t be overwhelmed by numbers – start with the nearest person and lets be positive – think about the collective number of small acts that provide food for Windhill, Presents at Christmas, for Windhill, car loads of warm clothing for Bradford Salvation army.

But I want to highlight this week Christians Against Poverty a Bradford organisation that help people to break free from chaotic financial habits and put down a firm foundation for their lives – please pray for all those involved – the helpers and the helped.

And finally, let us remember always that what we learn about living in love from the example of Jesus, that we experience within the church today. And if we don’t live out. Then to quote the Message.

But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.”

We wouldn’t want to do that – would we?


We pray for the World - God our foundation we pray for the world in which you set us, with challenges and with good things. We pray for world Leaders that in these times of pandemic nations will become as one – putting aside differences to work together in love and respect and we pray that all the work done at G7 this past week may not be just words and intentions but that agreements will be turned into action based on a foundation of love.

We pray for people – Jesus who shows us a firm foundation, we pray that all people in every land will become respected and valued. We pray for those in war torn places, hungry places, fearful places that they may be comforted and held in your everlasting loving arms

We pray for Power – Spirit of God we pray that your limitless power may work for good in all situations of need and we pray that we may be transformed, strengthened by the firm foundation to work for good wherever we may be.Amen

Lords Prayer - do please say this in the version that you prefer


HYMN (StF645) Will your anchor hold in the storms of life

Closing message – from Mother Theresa

“The Simple Path: -
Silence is Prayer - Prayer is Faith - Faith is Love –
Love is Service - The Fruit of Service is Peace”
Amen - have a safe week that is filled with love


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