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News from Crag Road

What a difference a year or two makes! 

The 2018 – 19 Strategy Questionnaire sent out by Nick asked “What factors guide our thinking and who can help?” Some negative factors are clearly present but we are not concentrating on them. We prefer to ask... ‘What are our strengths and weaknesses and where can we find help to improve the strong points and lessen the weaker ones?’ 

We went into lockdown quietly confident that the future was hopeful. We continued our prayer walks (virtually), held a Gift Day and contacted all our members to assure them of our support and love. We kept in touch with Drop-in members. 

The last 2 years have been like a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs. However, climbing on the roller-coaster, creates no worries but going over the top and tearing down the other side is a different story, as we found out as we reviewed the situation. 

2020- 21 Covid-19 and Lockdown 

What a difference a year makes. 

We outlined our position in the last issue of The Link which revealed that we had kept the faith and sought to do all that we could to hold the people together. Unfortunately, membership has fallen by 5; 4 through deaths and the other by transfer. We have only held 3 services during lockdown and we could not open the Drop-in nor meet for fellowship. 

Finances have taken a battering and our confidence has lessened, as each hill is climbed and we are plunged into another shaky period. 

2021+ Onwards, Coming out of Lockdown. 

We are the only Church in the Crag Road area with a well maintained building that can continue to be an asset to Community. We are people of faith… we believe in the Bible as God’s word and in prayer. 

These are the factors that guide everything that we do. We seek to love God, to love our neighbours and to love one another. Through the generous help and encouragement of Chris F (Baildon), we are currently exploring the use of our building by other organisations, which will help us embrace more people. Already we are exploring a new heating system and closer relationships with other community organisations. We have welcomed a request by Better Eat to use the building to give out food parcels, instead of the bus shelter on Owlet Road. Meanwhile, we will continue with our prayers and actions to ensure the light shines and God’s love is evident. 

We do believe our Church needs a leader with vision and a desire to take us forward into the future. We will pray for such a person/s to step forward. We realise that without such leadership and new people, the spiritual, physical and financial strain will make the task very difficult. But we believe that God is opening a new door: 

“...I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name...” Revelation 3:8 NIV

Donald C


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