Here we are, still in the same place as last time with Church services by Zoom or YouTube, but we can still make time for each other in many ways.
Once again Lent began and displays were arranged in the Church window for everyone to see. Items were added each week which retold the Easter Story. People were asked to decorate their own tree with leaves and we added people’s names who we were praying for and also things we were thankful for on them. They were then displayed in their house windows.
We did have a Church service for Palm Sunday, which was wonderful to meet up and see people again. On Easter day, the cross was arranged with flowers to celebrate new life & the risen Christ. The church family were all given an Easter bag with lots of goodies inside, which included a CD of Easter hymns, readings and reflections. Also a booklet telling the Easter story, a chocolate egg and a special card wishing everyone Easter Blessings. The children also were given their own Easter egg. The stewards distributed these gifts to everyone after the Palm Sunday service.
On Easter Sunday, with no service at our Church, we were able to watch the YouTube service which was a very uplifting and wonderful service led by our ministers. Holding services on Zoom has been a good way to enable people to keep worshipping together during the pandemic. We have enjoyed joining with other churches to praise the Lord.
Our good wishes to everyone and God bless.
Elaine B, Thornton
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