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Virtual Worship - 23 May 2021

Stay Alive in the Spirit - Week 7

What's Next?


Good morning and welcome to this service from Bradford North Methodist Circuit My name is Peter and I am Lay Pastor at Baildon Methodist Church and a Local Preacher in the circuit. You are welcome, whoever you are; if you’ve been worshipping with us for the past year or so; if you’ve just found us as you sit there, curious to see what happens -you are welcome. And if for any reason, you would like to speak to someone we have contact details on the screen at the end of the service.

Today is the last in our series of 7 services where we have been looking, thinking and praying about what the church will look like and what the church is being guided to do as we go forward.

The series is called Stay Alive in the Spirit, we have recognised that PRAYER is a vital part of our Christian living; the importance of PEOPLE ,both as individuals and WORKING TOGETHER the need to LISTEN and to SPEAK OUT and today we ask “WHAT NEXT”.  There is a booklet to accompany this series.

So let us gather our thoughts in the words of a collect for today-


Spirit of God who helped the Early Church decide their priorities, help us in this post-COVID era to understand what your church should be doing to recognise your Spirit at work in us, in our church families as we care for each other and show your love and power to others, so that we may be your genuine evangelists in this World Amen

Today we celebrate Pentecost – to the Jews it is 50 days since the Passover and an early wheat harvest. For Christians it is a celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples - the promise made by Jesus - it gave the disciples the start to the answer to WHAT NEXT?


And now our first Hymn (StF 342)- All hail the power of Jesus name. Perhaps as you sit and read these words you can hear, ringing in your ears, the wonderful singing, giving glory to God and look forward to singing out again before too long.

Address 1

For the past 6 weeks we have been concentrating our thinking about the Church (That’s us – the body of Christ Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12 about us being the body of Christ – and he goes into depth about this and illustrates and compares you and me as parts of the body – different parts with different functions that are needed for a body to function in a healthy way – and in the same way Paul tells us that as part of the Church, the body of Christ we have different skills, and attributes that make the Body of Christ effective, effective for each one of us and effective for the wider world. – or is it? Does the church of today – in the world today show the Gospel to others in a way that they understand, that they can relate the Gospel to their lives.

We have been guided to realise that the church Celebrates that EVERYONE MATTERS; that we need to Work as a TEAM, we need to LISTEN, to WATCH and PRAY and to SPEAK OUT! And each of these actions requires different skills attitudes and graces AND to be enhanced by the Power of the Holy Spirit So… for us today, WHAT NEXT? – a real challenge how do I play my part as I Ask myself “What Next?”


Mark 1 vv 1-8

“I baptise you with water” said John “But he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit “ now read on to words from Acts 2

Acts 2 vv 1-4

This was the confirmation of John the Baptist’s message and the power of the Holy Spirit brought about a transformation - Peter and the disciples addressed the crowds with knowledge and conviction and In a way that everyone who heard understood what was said.

But from the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus a circumstance that suddenly caused a change from a life of order; and an element of predictability; to total unknown –

The disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus but this great step in faith by these ordinary people had taken them into a life of challenges; sometimes hardship; sometimes witnesses to miracles of healing and restoration of life. Jairus was an important figure in the Synagogue in Capernaum a well-known religious figure and the disciples had seen this man fall at the feet of Jesus begging him to heal his 12 year old daughter who was close to death. Sometimes they heard Jesus tell terrific stories to explain what he was saying – the story of the man walking a dangerous road from Jerusalem to Jericho – they’d nod and look at each other they knew how this story would end and it wouldn’t be good! They’d seen Jesus turn this story to a challenge of the need for unconditional care. And through it all – even to the time of His arrest, JESUS WAS THERE!

And although they had seen the Risen Jesus there were times when they didn’t know what to do next - At the end of Luke’s gospel in chapter 24 Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem to be clothed in POWER – What Next? - wait – Passover when Jesus was crucified to Pentecost when the promised power came upon them was 50 days - plenty of time to ask themselves WHAT NEXT?

We have been in this latest lockdown from January 4th for about 150 days but there have been signs of hope – mainly vaccine - with regular updates - Prof Jonathon Van Tam sharing scientific advice – Don’t Bust it now! The Disciples had a promise from Jesus – Wait – What next?

We’ve been there, still are to some extent WHAT NEXT? - Peter said I’m going fishing – he wants to get back to some semblance of order - and then the Holy Spirit transformed them into a bold TEAM with power to SPEAK OUT to EVERYONE.

Shortly we are going to hear from some people who have been, from a range of circumstances at a point in their lives when they had to ask WHAT NEXT?


The Spirit lives to set us free (StF 397) – That’s what’s next - hum along, tap your feet and perhaps smile!

Reflection for Pentecost

Sit back and slowly, prayerfully, read these words

Like flickering embers dancing into flame, you revived those who looked for you, inspiring their speech and startling onlookers.

Undeterred by death, you delivered creative power, transforming determination and your eternal, supporting presence.

And your Spirit nurtures us still, a gathered people at Pentecost, moved to celebrate, free to be ourselves, glad to meet God and open ourselves to the world around us.

Spirit of the living God move among us,
as you transform us into the people you invite us to be,
as you transform the world into the place you dream it to be.
Make us one in love, humble, caring, selfless, sharing.

Blow among us, Spirit of God,
fill us with your courage and care.
Hurricane and Breath,
take us on a journey of love!

So – What next?

I have had conversations with some people who have found themselves at a point in life where they have had to ask themselves “What next”

Conversation 1 

Tim Billingsley is a member and Lay Pastor at Northcliffe in Shipley. Tim told me about his experience which began in the 1990’s when he was diagnosed with M.S. this meant that he had to give up teaching with Special Needs children – a job that had become a vocation and that he loved. Tim tells me that he lost his identity and was casting around for something to do and he went to classes to learn how to make things from coloured glass. He found that not only could he make things but he could also design as well.

At the back of the church was a hatch in the wall that enabled long ladders to be brought into the building and this now was not needed. Also the outer doors that open onto Bradford Road were now clear glass and so over a period of time Tim designed a dove that is set into the window space. The dove in the design is active and moving – just like his experience of the Holy Spirit on his life Tim says that the answer to WHAT NEXT is usually to take a risk – like Peter to step out of the boat as it were. He strongly believes that guidance comes from the Holy Spirit who says “Whats next? – its up to you and I will be with you to guide you, to enable you to take a risk.

Conversation 2 

Many of you will have heard of the wonderful work that has been done by Barry and Christine Empson together with Jenny and Tony Capper to support Kaleo – a village in Northern Ghana - if you haven’t, then look at the “Care for Kaleo” website. In this conversation I wanted to find out how they came to a point where they had to ask themselves “WHAT NEXT” – They found out about Kaleo when their son, who was working through VSO as a teacher in the area rang home, told them about a terrible storm that had destroyed the church and other buildings and he said Oh, Dad, Mum, I have told the pastor that something good will come from this. WHAT NEXT was prayer for guidance, be open to the Spirit and try to work out how they could help. Christine tells me that whilst walking to Wesleys one morning she prayed for help, and without a word to anyone, some said to her could you use £1000? – the guidance was there! That money bought a brick making machine and had it shipped out to Kaleo where local people were trained to use it , And so instead of making mud bricks which wash away regularly the local made bricks were used to replace the church _ remember “Something good will come from this” – and the story goes on and it started because people of faith asked WHAT NEXT?

Conversation 3

Ashley France is one of a team of pianists who help to lead worship at Baildon. Ashley told me that as a young man, he became assistant organist at his church to an organist who was never ill and never went on holiday – so all he did was practice. Until he had to take over for 3 months when the organist retired and went on a world cruise! So he just got on with it. Then during a Lay witness renewal campaign weekend, the Holy Spirit made him realise that his job was to play for God – not for himself – SO WHAT NEXT? Ashley says that this experience made him re-evaluate what he was doing and why. Music went from something he enjoyed doing to a Calling that makes him think about how he interprets hymns and tunes because this is what the Holy Spirit has shown him God wants him to do - to play for the Lord.

So What next – for you and me? – for your church – for the Gospel

These conversations are with different people, different characters, different experiences of life, yet with each story there is a constant - the Spirit of God – the power promised to the disciples as they wondered what next the power that transformed them at Pentecost and that we celebrate today. So as we ask What next as churches and church groups and individuals we need to seek guidance for our Circuit, our church, ourselves We can’t just go back to a year last March and each of us. And there is hope in the middle of what may at the moment look like confusion and uncertainty and the prospect of very difficult decisions – since we closed down virtually without warning – Sunday March 23rd 2020 - you must stay at home said the Prime minister. From that stark reality came many changes for good in community in church as we learned to adapt and do you know what. With the power of the Spirit we will do it again. Stay Alive in the Spirit and all will be well. It might be very different but all will be well. What next? – take a risk – pray for guidance – re-evaluate what you do and why.

Prayers of intercession

As we pray for other people, other situations, for love to be shown, let us pause and remember: -John the Baptist called for change in attitudes.

Lord God as I pray for changes in an unjust world, for a fairer world, take me by the hand and help me to change, to beware of my attitudes, the needs of others and what I can do to achieve such change

Hold me with your powerful hand

As I pray for change, I pause to remember that Isaiah shouted prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people…

God of love as I pray for people who are marginalised, who live on the edge, who suffer because of selfish attitudes in all levels of society, help me to avoid the prejudices that can prevent me from making a smooth road for change

Hold me with your powerful hand

When I want to pray but find it difficult, help me to remember that Jesus said to Peter Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.. As I pray for your world, for people and for your church let my words not be idle thoughts, let my actions be strong, let your love flow out through me

Hold me with your powerful hand

We become as one as we share in the Lord’s Prayer


Guide me o thou great Jehovah - Hold me with your powerful hand (StF 465).

The Blessing

Go out into the world to live and work to God’s praise and Glory
The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit
Be with us all now and forever



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