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Showing posts from May, 2021

Virtual Worship - 30 May 2021

Trinity Sunday Good morning and welcome to our service this morning. This week’s service has been put together by our Circuit Youth Worker, Laura, and some of the young people. Service sheet (pdf) We come together this morning to worship God, the three-in-one, Creator, Son and Holy Spirit. Be present, Father God, as we bring you our praise. Be present, Lord Jesus, our Saviour and friend. Be present, Holy Spirit, as we declare our faith, Trinity in unity, God Almighty, Father, Son and Spirit. Amen. Song Our first song this morning is Singing the Faith 15 – The splendour of the King. “The Godhead, Three in One, Father, Spirit, Son…” - today is Trinity Sunday, a time when we particularly think about God in the different forms – God as Creator, Father and Mother to all; God as Son of Man in the form of Jesus; God as the Spirit, come down to the disciples at Pentecost, and at work in our world and our lives today. There are lots of ways used to try to explain the Holy Trinity. None of the...

Virtual Worship - 23 May 2021

Stay Alive in the Spirit - Week 7 What's Next? Service Sheet (pdf) Welcome Good morning and welcome to this service from Bradford North Methodist Circuit My name is Peter and I am Lay Pastor at Baildon Methodist Church and a Local Preacher in the circuit. You are welcome, whoever you are; if you’ve been worshipping with us for the past year or so; if you’ve just found us as you sit there, curious to see what happens -you are welcome. And if for any reason, you would like to speak to someone we have contact details on the screen at the end of the service. Today is the last in our series of 7 services where we have been looking, thinking and praying about what the church will look like and what the church is being guided to do as we go forward. The series is called Stay Alive in the Spirit, we have recognised that PRAYER is a vital part of our Christian living; the importance of PEOPLE ,both as individuals and WORKING TOGETHER the need to LISTEN and to SPEAK OUT and today we ask “W...

Virtual Worship - 16 May 2021

Time to Speak Out Week 6 of the Stay Alive in the Spirit Worship Series Service Sheet (pdf) “It’s time to speak out about student mental health” “I’m concerned about bees dying” “I’m concerned about where our food and clothes come from” “I’m concerned about ice melting” “I’m concerned about the amount of litter on our streets” Welcome: Hello. Welcome to worship with the Bradford North circuit. My name is Claire Nott – I’m a member at Baildon Methodist Church and I’ve recently started training as a local preacher. Today’s service is week 6 of 7 in our Saints Alive series and the theme is ‘Time to Speak Out’. You’ve just heard some of the young people in our circuit providing inspiration and encouragement to us by standing up and saying what they feel needs to change. Over the next 45 minutes, let’s be open to what the Spirit of God is telling us and see if we can follow their example. Let’s start by asking the Spirit to blaze, to set our hearts on fire and to let God’s love shine in th...

Virtual Worship - 9 May 2021

Stay Alive in the Spirit Week 5 - Watch and Pray Service Sheet (pdf) Hello, and welcome to our worship this morning – or should I say morning? I usually watch this while doing the ironing on a Sunday night, so whatever time it is and whatever day, you are most welcome to be joining us. This is week 5 of the Saints Alive series, and is titled ‘Watch and Pray’. My name is Kate Beck and I am a Local Preacher in the Bradford North circuit and a member of Baildon Methodist Church. For our reading today we go back to Easter, which in many ways seems very appropriate, because a year ago during Easter time is when the whole world changed. Our reading is from the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus goes to watch and to pray at his time of greatest need, greatest distress and greatest change. Over this last year our outlooks have all changed completely, not least what we are looking at when we meet with God. For many of us, going to church on a Sunday morning is a time to meet with God and we are...

Virtual Worship - 2 May 2021

Service Sheet (pdf) Today is the fourth Sunday of our series exploring Saints Alive, from the Jesus-Shaped-People stable. We are thinking about the work of God’s Spirit in our world, our church, and our lives. Today we particularly focus on Teams – noticing that in the world of the Bible, amongst the people Jesus calls to follow him, and in our churches, teams matter. We recognise that one of the ways in which God’s Spirit seems to work amongst and through us is to call us together into teams, setting us alongside other people whose gifts and experiences complement our own, in ways that can be deeply helpful in enabling us to serve. Our call to worship today is a little Psalm that suggests working together in unity is like being anointed with precious oil, a mark of God’s blessing. Call to worship Psalm 133 The Blessedness of Unity 1 How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the bea...

Prayer Column - May 2021

Only if... Photo by  berenice martinez  on  Unsplash The conditional ‘if’ is a big part of our lives: · If you’re good all afternoon you can have an ice cream · If you finish the marathon you’ll get a medal and a T-shirt Effort is rewarded, but effort is essential to get the reward! Obvious, but not always popular: the naughty child screams for the ice cream anyway; levelling lobbies want everyone to get a prize, even for just starting. So perhaps it’s not surprising that we rejoice in all the benefits that God promises, but sometimes tend to overlook the ‘if’ bits, such as in: · (Jesus will) present us holy and blameless and above reproach before God, if indeed we continue in the faith , stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that we have heard (Col 1:22-23). · You are my friends if you do what I command you (Jn 15:14). Sometimes the ‘if’ is implied, as in: · The one who endures to the end will be sa...