Look at it like this...
Read the Psalms and you may well be struck by the frequency of the Psalmist’s cries for help against enemies. You get the impression he must have lived a very dangerous life, and if the writer was David we know that he often did: in his many wars, on the run from Saul, and the attempted coup by his son Absalom. Here’s just one example of such a cry:Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel man (Ps 71:4 ESV)
Leaving gender aside, I can imagine similar words forming the prayers of those today facing eviction, or loan sharks, or dealers, or pimps, or any other abuser. The rest of us could pray these words for them, in general or for known victims. Praying Scripture is powerful.
But the words could apply to another kind of trouble. Paul saw a sort of war within himself, an inner struggle between what he wanted to do and what he actually did. He cried out, “who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Rom 7:21-24). That seems not unlike the Psalm’s cry. As king, David had to dispense justice, and may well have faced an inner struggle not to give way to temptations to overdo punishment with vindictive cruelty. And us? Do we ever find our best intentions failing in the face of temptations? We too are called not to be unfair or nasty towards others, but so often we are, because in each of us lurks an “unjust and cruel” nature that has to be fought against. Here then, for just such battles as these, are the words of a prayer ready-made for us, and we can praise the Lord, along with David and Paul (Ps 71:6c; Rom 7:25).
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
Lord God of all, not for nothing are you called rescuer, deliverer, saviour, refuge, rock, fortress, hope and trust – so please help us look to you in every reverse or threat. Amen.Lord of all time, and times, always fresh and resourceful, when we reach the end of our tether please help us hold on to you for our sustaining help and safe guidance. Amen.
Lord of all life, fresher than new birth and wiser than old age, as we come to the end of our years on earth, may we grow firmer in faith, through Jesus our risen Lord. Amen.
Lord of each, loving all but caring far too much to leave us unchanged, please help us conquer all within us that is not pleasing in your sight, and does not glorify you. Amen.
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