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Virtual Worship - Good Friday 2 April 2021

Today is the Friday we call ‘Good’.
Traditionally our worship on this day has been subdued, as we reflect on the passion and death of Jesus.
There are no flowers in church, and little conversation as we come and go. It is as if the weight of the events we remember bear down on us. We often give time to the reading of the passion story today, and let ourselves journey with a thorn-crowned Jesus to that cruel cross on Calvary’s hill. We shake our heads at his disciples’ fickleness, but suspect we would do no better. We look on and wonder what God is up to.
All this seems more than appropriate in 2021.

Call to worship

In silence we stand, in wonder we worship, thankful beyond words for God’s gift of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God whose sacrifice enters our pain and bears all our loss. As darkness falls and he breathes his last, we wait, and worship. Amen.


Philip Bliss’ hymn Stf 361/HP 228 Man of sorrows! What a name.

Let us pray:  

Tick, tock, tick. The darkest day takes time to pass. Thank you God, for bearing it and us, for carrying the cross that carries you, for nailing death for ever. Amen.


The narrative of the Passion. We read St Mark’s gospel from 14:32 to 15:47, perhaps taking our time to reflect on the episodes which make up the day.

(If you are able to be on line, then you will find David Suchet reading Mark's gospel - listen from 1.18.23 to 1.29.41.)


I offer this poem ‘Holy’, written with the colours of holy week, rather than its sounds, in mind. Although in our hearts we anticipate Sunday with its news of resurrection, today we try to stay in Friday, so that its weight and wonder might embrace us. Today is the day to know that however heavy and awful the burdens we bear might be, we are not alone, for Christ is with us in the darkness.


What colour strides or tiptoes through this week, whether in plain sight or corner of the eye?
I watch, as if without the soundtrack, the hues that contrast with that pure blue sky.
The greens of fresh-cut palms begin the story waved high by crowd decked out in party clothes
but soon royal gold and empire’s purple stake their claim as order is imposed.
In upper room the bread is brown as broken, and wine is red as blood yet to be spilled
while silver pieces glint their urgent warning – the deal is done, the painter will be killed.
They take him from the darkened olive grove, the yellow night-light softening its shade
and by the reds and orange of the fire three-time denial is firmly brusquely made.
The trial is black with lies and malice, his back is scourged until red-raw
a purple robe is laid upon him, he carries wood fresh-hewn for what’s in store.
I see him laid onto the wood which he has carried, and leaden nails, dull grey, ensure that he is stilled
as he is lifted into the blue heavens, his blood is red as wine as it is spilled.
For the last hour the colours blur and blend,
the sky turns black as hope comes to its end.


We reflect with the hymn at HP 181/StF 285 Were you there when they crucified my Lord


Let this litany of darkness and light lead your thoughts in prayer:

Litany of darkness.

From noon till three, the whole earth was dark…

When a child is hurt the earth is dark
When a person is abused the earth is dark
When one hates the other the earth is dark
When a life is taken the earth is dark
When dignity is stolen the earth is dark
When a heart is hardened the earth is dark
When trust is broken the earth is dark
When a loved one dies the earth is dark
When each moment is a minefield the earth is dark
When the body is pain the earth is dark
When the past is all the earth is dark
When the memory is failing the earth is dark
When nothing is fair the earth is dark
When a child is abandoned the earth is dark
When love is crucified the earth is dark

Were you there when they crucified my Lord…

The light shines

When a child is held the light shines
When a person is respected the light shines
When one forgives the other the light shines
When a life is saved the light shines
When dignity is given the light shines
When a heart is softened the light shines
When trust is restored the light shines
When a loved one arrives the light shines
When each moment is a gift the light shines
When the pain is finished the light shines
When the past is celebrated the light shines
When the memory is now the light shines
When justice comes the light shines
When a child is loved the light shines
When love crucified is risen the light shines. Amen.

We bring our prayers together, as we pray, with all God’s people, the Lord’s Prayer.


We close with Isaac Watts’ hymn, (StF 287/HP 180) When I survey the wondrous cross


Lifted high for all to see, with arms wide open he dies for me. This cross-bound Saviour sets the people free, no greater gift will ever be. Amen.

We bless one another, and all those we have brought to mind this day, as we share the Grace:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now and always. Amen.

(CCLI 79951. Service prepared by Rev’d Nick Blundell.)


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