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Virtual worship - 17 January 2021

The Christian Way 3 - Stepping Up


Hello and welcome to worship from Bradford North Methodist circuit. my name is Peter and Baildon is my home church. Today the subject for worship is "Stepping up" - the 3rd in our series of 7 Explorations of The Christian Way - where we look at the life, teaching and example of Jesus to help us as we address life’s challenges. - so far we have thought about hardship and how the young, unmarried pregnant, Mary coped with unimaginable hardship as the mother of the Son of God. and last week we looked at STEPPING DOWN - that time when it is right that we pass the torch to someone else - is this an admission of defeat - will my successor be as good as me....(bit of the sin of Pride creeping in there!) and we were reminded that Jesus became the SERVANT - not the source of POWER. There is a booklet to help you with your personal thinking and Prayer.

Today’s subject - STEPPING UP - how do we gain confidence to take on a challenge without being a bighead. how do we convince ourselves that we can take on something for which we feel unqualified?

Through scripture we will be with Jesus in the wilderness as he is tested, and questions His role and how, even in extreme circumstances he looks after others - how he was flexible about the purpose of his ministry and how Prayer was his guiding power when he had doubts.

A Collect for today

Lord Jesus Christ, who accepted many challenges and rejected many easy ways out; look kindly on our lives, especially our selfish concerns. Show us how we can improve the lives of those around us by taking up the challenges you offer AMEN


Our first Hymn to read or hum or sing God’s Spirit is in my heart -StF 404 H&P 315.


1st lesson, please read Luke 4:1-13 and read the reflection

So, the Devil sets doubts in the mind of Jesus - makes him question how he will go about Gods work on earth - firstly He refers to scripture to find the answer to his doubts (The Message says He quotes Deuteronomy) - that is a great point for you and me to remember - not just remember but to carry with us. And so the doubts and questions trouble Him - he is hungry - being the son of God - hey! turn stones into bread - but that would be selfish - Is the ministry of Jesus to be less challenging by being selfish?

Then as he stands on a prominent point and surveys the landscape before Him - he could have POWER over all this - but ILL USED POWER isn’t Gods way. Or what about the Temple - Jump off and land safely - that would be SPECTACULAR but that’s not the way either because those who could be impressed by spectacle would want a greater spectacle next time and that’s not the way. So the example for us as we might STEP UP - don’t do it for personal gain - don’t be easily swayed by others - don’t be clever!

But DO be sure of Gods calling - seek His guidance through prayer - be sustainable in the way you do Gods work this is the example of Jesus right up to the end - not my will but yours - now read Luke 22:41-44


Our second Hymn is a calling to us, will YOU come and follow me StF 673 it isnt in H & P - sorry. hopefully you can follow this in your usual way. 


Intro and 2nd reading - Mark 7:27-31 - after what we have said so far, The riposte from Jesus to this Greek woman who kneels before Him pleading for help seems to be totally out of character - get to the back of the queue! - but He is impressed by her response as she corrects or challenges Jesus and the child is healed - Jesus decides that His ministry is for all people. we are only a few weeks past Christmas and the account of the Wise Men we take as a universal declaration of Emmanuel; God with us

So what can we learn and apply from this (I haven’t forgotten Prayer - we will come to that in a minute) - this series of studies and worship is SO current for us - the Covid pandemic has thrown us completely off course - for those of us who "Belong" to a church have known Joy, Happiness, comfort, fellowship, sadness despair and a range of other feelings, but all these have been gathered up in the love we find in our church family, meeting for worship week by week, supporting those in need, being part of a network of faith, a social centre. and all this has been swept away. Churches closed, some probably won’t open again. A sense of isolation, But a fear of being in groups. And hey! We have developed new ways of Worship - up to March 2020 the only Zoom I knew was the noise a rocket or a racing car made! but coffee Zoom has been and still is hand holder. Zoom is an admin tool to continue church work. Zoom enables us to harness the love and generosity to needy people in practical ways

To those who join us in virtual worship week by week, there is SO MUCH more material available and to you, if you for any reason want support, ask a question, just to say hello then we would like to hear from you so please leave a message on and we will get back to you

AND as much as WE might want to; we can’t go back to how we were. We have developed new ways of working and worshiping , discovered a need outside our experience, and that church is not just for 10 o clock on Sunday in our familiar building, rather, church is all day, every day in every place. and this will mean STEPPING UP to work in different times and places. This has started in a small way in my home church - we have had people who come into fellowship with us and want to be a part of our church family because they have found a loving Christian welcome and they don’t really care what denomination we are !

So do please be open to the hand of God tapping you on the shoulder, and if you are led to STEP UP, build on the example of Jesus - He looked after others, Was flexible in the way His ministry took him and that He prayed for guidance in times of joy, challenge and despair. in 2021 we look forward in hope in all that we have gone through we can say that the love of God shown in Jesus has been constant - the step up challenge is to be ready to demonstrate Gods love by using this: the life, teaching, and example of Jesus.

Prayers -.

Matthew 14 v 23 tells us that after the crowds had dispersed, Jesus climbed the mountain so that he could be by himself and pray He stayed there alone late into the night,

We pray God of constant love for us, in a moment of quiet, help us to clear our heads of the distractions that we carry with us. Help us not only to speak with you, but to listen for your voice speaking to us.....

Jesus cared or others

As we follow his example, we pray for your world that, the uniting experiences of the past 12 months may grow into a world where tolerance, compassion and love may be the standards by which humanity measures itself. we are amazed and give thanks for the tireless work of scientists and engineers who have produced a way forward from the pandemic. We rejoice that vaccine manufacturers will provide resource for the world as a not for profit enterprise. We pray for all who work to make the world a greener place, a place where clean water is available for all and where tolerance and respect are ways of resolving differences

As we pray, help us to see where we might step up to work for you

Jesus was flexible in the approach to his ministry

As we follow his example, may we be aware of being backward looking, complacent, reluctant or self-satisfied in our relationship with God. We pray that the power of the Spirit will lead us to look forward at a range of ways to showing God’s love to others, help us to recognise the time the place and the way that we may spread the gospel

As we pray, help us to see where we might step up to work for you

Jesus makes prayer important

As we follow his example enable us to make prayer a regular part of living. As we pray alone give us peace in our hearts to share the joys, challenges and sorrows that we find in life and make us patient to listen for your word to us. as we pray together may we know the power that comes from sharing with each other in your presence.

As we pray, help us to see where we might step up to work for you

Lord God accept our prayers today and every day as we offer them through Jesus our lord AMEN

We share in the Lord’s Prayer


Our last Hymn -In Isaiah 6 verse 8 God asks "Whom shall i send?" and Isaiah stepped up.saying "Send me" God’s question is just as relevant for us today. Have we the confidence to respond? StF 663 I the Lord of sea and sky - Here I am Lord 

A Blessing

The Lord bless us and keep us safe now and always AMEN

Together we share in the Grace – The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each one of us now and evermore. AMEN


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