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Prayer column - January 2021

Just when you thought it was safe to go back...

A lower R number, easing restrictions, vaccine(s) rolling out, surely a little light at the end of our long dark tunnel... and then a new rampant c-v strain, and the portcullis slams down once more.  Hopes dashed, plans ruined, livelihoods threatened or axed.  For how long, how long...?

But that question “How long?” rings a Bible bell.  Haven’t we heard it in the Psalms, from people going through the wringer in their day?  Yes, I checked, and it’s at least fourteen times (eg, Ps 13), and for good measure once also in Revelation from martyrs awaiting God’s justice (6:10) – all addressed to God in heartfelt longing, just like us.

And yet, even asking that question of God (or shouting it at him in protest) indicates some sort of trust: that he is there, and can be approached; that he does know our condition, and our future; and that he can act, however trying his timescale.  And from that realisation flows a sort of peace, because it dawns on us that the tagline “Just when you thought it was safe” is deceptively deficient.  Because once we are in God’s hands we are always safe, eternally safe, beyond-death safe, safe whatever befalls us.  Didn’t Jesus himself say so? “... some of you will be put to death... but not a hair of your head will perish.  By your endurance you will gain your lives.” (Lk 21:16-19).  So think eternal, but don’t try to endure alone, for he has also promised to be with us always when we pray, right to the end of the age (Mt 18:20; 28:20).   So the “How long?” prayer is not a bad place to start.

Roy Lorrain-Smith 

A prayer for each week

How long, O lord, how long?  Will this virus ravage us and our systems for ever and you do not act?  Save us, O Lord, save us in this time of trial, both worldwide and personal.  Amen. 

How long, O Lord?  And yet do we not see your hand in government responses, national and regional.  Please bless our leaders and advisors with wisdom and competence.  Amen. 

How long, O lord?  And yet do we not see your hand in the miraculous tithing of the timescale to produce vaccines?  Please bless our scientists with insight and commitment.  Amen. 

How long, O Lord?  And yet do we not see your hand in the commitment of our health workers.  Please continue to bless them and their managers with strength and compassion.  Amen. 

How long, O Lord?  And yet do we not see your hand in greater openness as we greet and chat more.  Please bless us ¬with concern and endurance in all our necessary distancing.  Amen.

Your own prayers


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