The destiny for some trees is the production of timber, for making rafters or floorboards or furniture for our homes, or paper for our communication, or numerous other useful items (each storing carbon).
That isn’t to say that trees aren’t useful while they’re still growing – good to look at or walk through, and providing habitats for wildlife and lots of other benefits we now call environmental. Indeed, that’s the role of many trees all their lives (building and holding their carbon).
If you feel you have found your God- appointed role, pray for his strength to use all your gifts for the common good, in church and beyond, in all the opportunities he provides. If you are still growing and wondering, pray for guidance and patience, accepting his loving discipline and praising him for the potential he is yet to reveal in you. And at every stage, rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for his mercy and calling.
Roy LS
Harvester Lord, knowing when a major change is needed in my service to you, please help me accept the new challenges of fresh opportunities. Amen.
Warden Lord, knowing all the help that I can give others just as I am (whether I myself can see it or not), please grant me joy in your service. Amen.
Manager Lord, overseeing all your domain with active benevolence, please mend my flaws and strengthen my faintness towards your goal. Amen.
Your own prayers
That isn’t to say that trees aren’t useful while they’re still growing – good to look at or walk through, and providing habitats for wildlife and lots of other benefits we now call environmental. Indeed, that’s the role of many trees all their lives (building and holding their carbon).
If you feel you have found your God- appointed role, pray for his strength to use all your gifts for the common good, in church and beyond, in all the opportunities he provides. If you are still growing and wondering, pray for guidance and patience, accepting his loving discipline and praising him for the potential he is yet to reveal in you. And at every stage, rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for his mercy and calling.
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
Forester Lord, knowing my potential before and better than I do myself, please discipline, guide and grow me to the destiny you planted me for. Amen.Harvester Lord, knowing when a major change is needed in my service to you, please help me accept the new challenges of fresh opportunities. Amen.
Warden Lord, knowing all the help that I can give others just as I am (whether I myself can see it or not), please grant me joy in your service. Amen.
Manager Lord, overseeing all your domain with active benevolence, please mend my flaws and strengthen my faintness towards your goal. Amen.
Your own prayers
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