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Pastoral Letter - August 2020

Dear friends,

As we draw towards the end of our Methodist church year, I send you greetings (greetings too to our URC and Anglican members at Christchurch, Northcliffe and Wilsden Trinity).

I want to highlight a few things coming up as we move into the new year.

For the last few years we have had a prayer event on the first Saturday of September. This year this will be incorporated into our Welcome Service for Deacon Merry Evans, who joins our Circuit Team on a half-time basis. This Welcome Service will be on Zoom with a phone in option at 3.00pm on Saturday 5th September
Our district Chair, Kerry Tankard, is preaching, and Phil Drake will be interviewing Merry by way of introduction. 

Also on Zoom (with phone-in option) will be our Circuit Meeting on Tuesday 15th September at 7.30pm. This meeting will be receiving the recommendation from The Circuit Stewards regarding the Rev Phil Drake’s re-invitation (including his taking up Superintendency responsibility in 2021) and is an important meeting. If you are a member of the meeting, I hope you will be able to join us (the Zoom details will come with the calling papers). If not, please hold this meeting in your prayers.

Our weekly worship as we go into the new year will follow the theme of Jesus-shaped people. Baildon and Wilsden will be familiar with this theme, and we have judged that it will be helpful for all of us to participate, so our Sunday printed worship material and broadcast service will follow the theme, journeying with Jesus through St Luke’s gospel chapters 9 to 19. There is also study material available for individuals and groups who would like to work alongside the Sunday input.

As we leave what has been a difficult year behind, we thank God for his faithfulness, and pray that God’s Spirit will guide us, as Circuit, Churches, and individual disciples of Jesus, as we seek to discern the best way forward. We pray God’s blessing on one another, and especially those who are unwell, anxious or grieving.

‘And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.’ (Phil 4:19-20).

Every blessing,

Rev Nick Blundell.


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