Facing the storm
We’re a pattern-seeking animal. We join dots to form pictures. We investigate things and find reasons for them. And when we do, we are being true to ourselves for that’s how we were made by the Creator God. Moreover, with these abilities we were also commissioned to have dominion (=stewardship) over all the earth and its living things, and subdue it all or keep it in order. God loves order, in the world as well as in the church (Gen 1:26-28; 1 Cor 14:33). But two problems arise. First, we are poor at our job, tending to selfish concerns. And second, arising from that, the earth and its creatures get uppity at times.One Biblical example of such was the great storm on Lake Galilee that threatened to sink the boat carrying Jesus with his disciples. He rebuked the wind and waves and told them to calm down, which they did, but he clearly implied that craven fear had not been the proper response he expected of his disciples, though they were right to appeal to him for help. (Mt 8:24-27)
So as we face our corona-storm, what response does he expect from us? It must not be fear, fatalism or despair, nor must we abandon our call to restore order – by whatever means is available to us in our situation. Never in our own strength, of course. We can, and are expected to, pray for the help we need, for ourselves, our scientists and our leaders at every level. And to do so with confident faith that he will answer us.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
Creator God, who made us in your own image to be here on earth for you, please help us to fulfil your calling, using your gifts, for your glory. Amen.Creator God, with an orderly plan for us and for all creation, please help us to find and to follow our part in it, through Jesus, and for your glory. Amen.
Creator God, with a rescue plan in place through Jesus, by which all creation will be restored to you, please help us seek more of your glory. Amen.
Creator God, whose nature is always to forgive and restore, please help us not to presume on your mercy, but gratefully follow your Son’s lead. Amen.
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