I wonder what the weather’s like?
Oh, no! Snow and ice. I will have to call off Holiday at Home; no-one will get out of their homes. Hold on! It is only Wednesday 17 January. We have a week to go!
I wonder what the weather’s like? Oh, good! Rain and wind. At least the guests will arrive, now the ice has gone.
10:00am and most people have arrived and the buns and cakes are disappearing fast.
Chris Ellerton transfixed everyone with his painting skills and his artistry with a paintbrush.
Lunch was a fun affair, with lots of chatting and good food to eat. After lunch we were entertained by Stevie Long, who sang songs and had some people dancing.
After the entertainer, we held a simple communion service to finish.
We welcomed 54 guests and helpers to St. Andrew’s. We had a wonderful day of fun and companionship with each other. Our guests represented at least 7 Churches out of 15. I long to see all 15 churches represented.
As well as our regular guests, we were glad to welcome new guests from Wrose Buddies. It was wonderful to see everyone getting along. Holiday at Home exists to let our elderly people enjoy fun and companionship in an atmosphere of relaxed activities. If you think that you know of anyone who would enjoy Holiday at Home, please let me know.
As co-ordinator, I would like to thank the wonderful team of helpers. These brilliant and long-suffering people turn their hands to any task at a moment’s notice, without a whinge or groan. Every single one of them is a hero or heroine (I am not PC). We also could not function without our magnificent guests. So ‘thank you’ to you all.
Keep your diaries free for 2/3/4 July 2018, when Holiday at Home will be active again and the trip will be across the Humber Bridge, with lunch and a visit to an excellent Garden Centre in Brigg.
John (Circuit Pastoral Co-ordinator)
I wonder what the weather’s like? Oh, good! Rain and wind. At least the guests will arrive, now the ice has gone.
10:00am and most people have arrived and the buns and cakes are disappearing fast.
Chris Ellerton transfixed everyone with his painting skills and his artistry with a paintbrush.
After the entertainer, we held a simple communion service to finish.
We welcomed 54 guests and helpers to St. Andrew’s. We had a wonderful day of fun and companionship with each other. Our guests represented at least 7 Churches out of 15. I long to see all 15 churches represented.
As well as our regular guests, we were glad to welcome new guests from Wrose Buddies. It was wonderful to see everyone getting along. Holiday at Home exists to let our elderly people enjoy fun and companionship in an atmosphere of relaxed activities. If you think that you know of anyone who would enjoy Holiday at Home, please let me know.
As co-ordinator, I would like to thank the wonderful team of helpers. These brilliant and long-suffering people turn their hands to any task at a moment’s notice, without a whinge or groan. Every single one of them is a hero or heroine (I am not PC). We also could not function without our magnificent guests. So ‘thank you’ to you all.
Keep your diaries free for 2/3/4 July 2018, when Holiday at Home will be active again and the trip will be across the Humber Bridge, with lunch and a visit to an excellent Garden Centre in Brigg.
John (Circuit Pastoral Co-ordinator)
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