At Christmas, candles symbolise the light that came 2,000 years ago to shine in our world of moral and spiritual darkness. It’s always hard to see in the dark, and Jesus’ perfect life shines out, giving us direction. But even though he died so long ago, he rose again from the grave and is alive for evermore. He can save us from darkness and show us how to live (and help us do so). And when we turn to his light he also forgives us for all darkness in ourselves, and gradually burns out of us our dark leanings. When we read the Bible and pray, and worship and work with other believers, he lights his candle within us – and the greater the darkness we encounter, the brighter his light shines.
I was about 22 before I began to realise that all this about Jesus was true, and ever since I have been aware of his light giving me insight, as if he is shining a beam into dark corners of my experience, or into things hard to understand or accept. And his inner candle work of cleansing goes on still.
But there’s one other dimension to the light Jesus gives: it’s a beacon of hope in an often bleak future. That would be good even if only for this world, but his light of hope goes on beyond the grave, into the next life. Because if we will trust him, he promises to take us to be with him for always, in an exciting life that goes on for ever, and where we shall never again grow old and stiff and ill and die. This will be in a world made new, free from all frustration but full of excitement and joy, living with Jesus, and with God as our Father. Pray for this hope to burn brighter ahead.
Roy LS
Light in my darkness thank you for shining within me, throwing your light into all my dark corners. Please help me know myself better in your light. Amen.
Light in my darkness thank you for burning out all those dark things in me that have no place in your light. Please help me open up to you more. Amen.
Light in my darkness thank you for shining ahead when I find the future frightening, piercing the gloom. Please help me step out confidently. Amen.
Your own prayers
I was about 22 before I began to realise that all this about Jesus was true, and ever since I have been aware of his light giving me insight, as if he is shining a beam into dark corners of my experience, or into things hard to understand or accept. And his inner candle work of cleansing goes on still.
But there’s one other dimension to the light Jesus gives: it’s a beacon of hope in an often bleak future. That would be good even if only for this world, but his light of hope goes on beyond the grave, into the next life. Because if we will trust him, he promises to take us to be with him for always, in an exciting life that goes on for ever, and where we shall never again grow old and stiff and ill and die. This will be in a world made new, free from all frustration but full of excitement and joy, living with Jesus, and with God as our Father. Pray for this hope to burn brighter ahead.
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
Light in my darkness, thank you for shining all around me, so now I see where once I floundered blindly. Please guide my steps in your way. Amen.Light in my darkness thank you for shining within me, throwing your light into all my dark corners. Please help me know myself better in your light. Amen.
Light in my darkness thank you for burning out all those dark things in me that have no place in your light. Please help me open up to you more. Amen.
Light in my darkness thank you for shining ahead when I find the future frightening, piercing the gloom. Please help me step out confidently. Amen.
Your own prayers
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