Envelopes are in season once more, or soon will be, as we dig out and revise our last year’s Christmas lists and think rather dismally about the cost of stamps. We may sometimes feel envelopes are an awful waste of paper as we fling out the empties, but they do serve very useful functions, especially when sealed – here are three. They keep their contents safe, as cards or letters can’t fall out and get lost. Privacy is protected: nosey parkers can’t pry. And third, properly addressed they ensure safe delivery to the right house, avoiding much disappointment.
I know, I know, it’s all such obvious stuff! Have I nothing better to write? Well, yes, I was going on to comment on the possible parallels with being sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13). He keeps us spiritually safe – that we may lose nothing of what has been entrusted to us. And he ensures utter privacy, so our walk with the Lord and our prayers to the Father can be as intimate as we like. And delivery to the right address is the work of the Spirit too: it would not be nice to get to the pearly gates and have to be returned, rejected – “Not known at this address.” So it’s important to pray to be filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit at all times.
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
- Heavenly Father, who sent Jesus to make us your children, please deliver us by your Holy Spirit – safe from all harm and hindrance – registered in your book of life. Amen.
- Lord God of all things, Message, Messenger and Means of Delivery, please help us grasp the content and import of all you say to us, that we in our turn may run with it. Amen.
- Lord of ultimate and everlasting security, holding all that is of true value for us in your heavenly safe box, please guard us during all our time of transit on earth. Amen.
- Lord God who knows all things everywhere, you see the content of my inner heart and how I struggle in faith: please, by your Holy Spirit, hold me in your integrity. Amen.
- Lord of all our destinies and destinations, as we come to you please keep us on course and intact, ridding us of all that distorts or denies the stamp of Jesus upon us. Amen.
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