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God's Sun is Working for a School in Baildon

I do not believe that an Eco-congregation can exist in green quietude, within the safe walls of a building. It must reach out, if we are to have any real impact on society’s response to global warming.

Baildon Eco-congregation founded Baildon Friends of the Earth (FoE). The latter has now, in turn, set up the Glenaire Primary School ‘Run on Sun Fun(d) Charitable Trust’  which aims to inspire and energise the pupils of the school about solar power, renewable energy and the need to combat global warming. Pupils are enthusiastic: the school council has suggested many ways of solar development for their institution, which has Eco-school status. Moreover, they aim to raise £5,500 to install photovoltaic (PV) electricity-generating panels on the roof of their school, which has 222 pupils, including above average numbers on free school meals and 28.25% on the Special Educational Needs Register. Their interest is augmented by the fact that some of the properties near the school were flooded in December 2015.

Their fundraising has been undergirded by a grant of an extra £5,000 from the Yorkshire Bank, which will enable nearly twice as many PV panels to be installed as were originally envisaged. 

Teaching on the benefits and delights of solar power is on-going with all pupils; they generate artistic creations and activities, which link with numeracy in the national curriculum. They are making a photographic display of progress; this centres on a large, bright yellow sun collage. Moreover each class is running a fun activity and designing and making collecting boxes to raise money for the project.  The gains for the school will be a solar-educated group of pupils and staff:  their computing system will be able to download the electricity generated from their roof, so that they may use these figures for real mathematical activities. In addition, the school will have lower electricity bills and less emissions of carbon dioxide.

Sun collage made by the pupils of Glenaire Primary School
Sun collage made by the pupils of Glenaire Primary School
The constitution and methodology of the Run on Sun Fun(d) are easily adaptable for other schools: Glenaire Primary School will be a solar beacon for the other schools in the council Ward, none of which have solar panels. It will help to transform the local community into one that is aware of the imperatives and benefits of using solar power.

If we are to worship God as if God's creation mattered, we have to strive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in every way, not only in the church but in all the community around us. I believe that preaching the Gospel is far more effective and compelling, if it emphasises love for all God's creation and the need to preserve its dancing web of life. In this, work with all young people is paramount.

I am keen to share the constitution and methodology of this project with any other school interested. I would welcome donations which can be made online at

John A, Baildon Methodist Church


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