When I behold the wondrous cross
All through his ministry, in all he said and did, as well as in his person, Jesus revealed Emmanuel : God with us; God one of us. He came to earth from heaven, and opened the way to heaven for us, following his death and resurrection. Behold, see, wonder!
In his parables he took the things of earth and showed how they pointed also to heavenly truths. In his miracles he demonstrated the kingdom of God – His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. In his person he combined the heavenly Son and the earthly human, as his disciples found (by sight, touch, and hearing), and as they told, that we too might have eternal life with him, open fellowship with other believers, and full joy within.
And he bequeathed to us the gift of prayer: the liberty to speak with God the Father. In prayer we can lift up the needs of ourselves and others for help, and from him bestow blessings in return, living out his kingdom on earth, proclaiming in spirit and in truth His Lordship over all he has made.
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
Father, forgive, for we know not what we do – so often wilfully deaf and blind to your truth and your way. Please take us by the hand and lead us. Amen.
The promise of paradise with you, dear Lord, is the goal of our pilgrimage and the reward of all our faithful endeavours. Please keep till the end. Amen.
Lord God of all that is right, please help us arrange all our lives and relationships in the light of your love and righteousness, for your glory. Amen.
Welcoming Lord, more eager to receive our requests than we are to come to you in need, please help us pray faithfully and thankfully at all times. Amen.
Faithful Lord, upholding the despairing and empowering the weary, please help us to trust you every step of our journey, with you and to you. Amen.
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