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What I bring to the Ministry Team

As part of the Circuit Leadership Team Away Day recently, our minsters were asked to describe what they felt were their strengths, and so what they bring to the Ministry Team. In the last edition of The Link, we heard from Nick and Phil. This edition is the turn of Christine and Andrew.

Rev  Christine Crabtree

“I bring a passion for spirituality, for people coming to God direct and being built up in faith and in the knowledge that God loves them, however flawed they may perceive themselves to be;
A sense that each person has a calling and this can get buried under what the church demands of them;
A wish for people to accept who they are, individually and as congregations, rather than strive to be something they are not;
A sense of dislocation with church and an understanding of those who are searching but not finding it here;
A desire to see people freed from busyness and burden, and able to relax in God’s love;
A desire to connect with people and not merely administer;
Creativity in worship and in the leading of small groups;
A wish to share work with people of other denominations, but not to engage in ‘ecumenical extras’.”

Rev Andrew Taylor

“I bring a passion for people to know and grow in their relationship with Jesus.  I have a strong sense of call to preaching/teaching and pastoral ministry, underpinned by my love of God and of people and that Jesus is relevant to all generations.  I come with a variety of life experiences and a willingness to keep learning.  I have a sense of humour and a desire to tell God's story within and through my own story and to encourage others in the telling of their story.  I am able to talk with people on a range of subjects.

In addition to the above I also bring to the team the centrality of prayer, organisation, openness to exploring public worship and a financial background.  I enjoy and am experienced with working with young people, especially those under the age of thirteen.  I see and am actively involved in promoting Church involvement within the community into which it is set.  I believe it is important to work with other churches wherever the opportunity is afforded and have worked with several denominations.”


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