A Church Prayer Leaflet
Besides this monthly column, would it be good to have a
little leaflet on prayer in your church?
It could be freely available all the time for visitors and those who use
the premises, as there’s often interest in prayer. It might begin by saying what prayer is:
talking with God – asking for help, or giving praise, or thanks – or even
complaining if that’s how we feel. But prayer
is also about listening, because what matters is having a living, daily
friendship with the Lord. We talk with
friends, so we talk with our Maker. We’re
meant to relate to God as our heavenly Father, as shown by Jesus his son,
helped by the Holy Spirit. Prayer is
partnership: it helps us learn to live better the way the Lord wants us to.
But people might need to be reassured that prayers really can reach
God – He who is holy, perfect and ‘in
heaven’, while we’re here in the mud and very much less than perfect (sinful,
the Bible says). So the leaflet should
say what God has done to bridge that gap.
Jesus took the blame for all our wrongdoing (sin) by dying on the cross,
and thus opens the way to God as loving Father rather than stern Judge. Jesus once called himself ‘the way’ (John
14:6). Believe in Jesus, repent of your
sin, and his way lies open. That’s how
Jesus is our Saviour, and he’s our Lord when we put him in charge of our lives
and strive to do what he says, which is how we begin to get things right.
Moreover, God invites and encourages believers to approach boldly in prayer for
the help we need.
Could that be page 1?
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
Oh, my God! Texting OMG may not b prayer, but Oh! there
is so much to say; and to praise too, for you are My God, through Jesus, for
ever. Amen.
Profane expletives abound, but
you ARE there, you DO know, you ARE almighty (and forgiving). Help me not to take your name in vain. Amen.
Many may wonder about God occasionally, but I thank you Lord
that I have your number and can call you anytime. Help me do so more. Amen.
Holy Father, you call us to be holy too: perfect, pure, and
apart (while still very much present).
In Jesus, please help us to become more so. Amen.
Your own prayers
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