At the recent Open House and Community Fair held at Northcliffe LEP, community groups from across Shipley came together in the chapel to meet, network and showcase their work to the public. The groups included the Heaton Woods Trust, Friends of Northcliffe (local park & woodland); a neighbourhood residents group and representation from Bradford Council. The Cellar Trust (a local mental health charity) sold items made in its woodwork shop, as well as excellent cakes. The Saltaire Canteen, that works in the area of food waste and food poverty, came along and made plenty of useful contacts, including the Prince’s Trust who work with young people developing employment skills and who are based at Northcliffe Church. We also had representatives from the Community Policing Team and the Bradford Court Chaplaincy Service and we ran a book stall, on behalf of Cornerstone Bookstore.
Groups who meet at Northcliffe were able to publicise their activities including “Fiddle and Feet”, an Appalachian dance group, The Talking Telegraph, Guide Dogs Puppy Walkers and The Bradford Chorale. While people browsed the stalls, which included our Guide and Ranger groups, Pizza Church and preschool children’s groups, we were serenaded on the grand piano by Ashley France.
It was a good test of the new upstairs kitchen, where great teamwork ensured a steady flow of tea and cake. There was a busy and convivial atmosphere throughout and new and useful relationships were formed between the various organisations. Funds were raised for both Northcliffe and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Feedback from the groups has been overwhelmingly positive. We wanted to use our spaces to bring the community together in one space at the same time and, by God’s Grace, were blessed by a great outcome.
Tim B, Northcliffe Church
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