March! March! March!
March: the month of mad hares and lion/lamb weather. A season to pray for spring to unfold and summer to come; and for God’s blessings to flow: the stability of his Word and Spirit to counter harebrained schemes and to rebuke untoward storms before they wreak damage. But pray also against false lulls, for watchfulness even in the quiet spells, when dark clouds can mass unseen over distant horizons.March: that territory along the border, often with a history replete with incidents, incursions, disputes. A line of distinction, still full of tensions from differences on either side, even if enmity has ebbed into watchful tolerance. A line to pray along. Some borders are oppressive: walls should be prayed down. But some lines should not be crossed: pray for standards to be maintained against all encroachment. And yet other distinctions enrich without ethics: pray for the flourishing of flavour – spice, colour, shape, depths, character; pray for the banishing of the bland.
March: that purposeful movement and steady progress, of togetherness under command, like army units (Onward Christian soldiers!). An activity to pray for. Pray for the company to be chosen; the route to be clear; the right drumbeat to be followed; the leader’s orders to be heard and heeded – and for the destination of the march, the ultimate action, that it may glorify the Lord under whose banner we serve.
Roy LS
A prayer for each week
Lord of all seasons – past, present, and predicted – please help us to fit in with your times and tides: ever with willing hearts, through Jesus. Amen.Lord of both calm and storm, may we find our peace in you: active in your service and resting in your presence, always thankfully praising. Amen.
Lord of all there is, bridging differences while maintaining distinctions, may we find our niche in your ecosystem, designed for purpose. Amen.
Lord of all opportunities, expected or surprising, may we seize them with joy, using the talents you give us, with all the energy you provide. Amen.
Lord of the great action, Master and Commander of heaven and earth, may we march to your beat and carry out your orders, trustingly. Amen.
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