One of the problems we often find in Junior Church is that we have a small number of children, but with a wide age range. So for this reason, we thought we would try Scripture Union’s Mosaic, which is designed to cater for small groups like ours. In our first 5 sessions, we have been looking at Creation.
One of the high spots of Session one was when we piled junk and collage materials on the table and reminded the children that God started with nothing and created something beautiful. We then asked them to create something beautiful out of the junk on the table. In Session two, we looked at God making the land, sea and plants and for this session we prepared pots of bulbs. At the time of writing this, they are now flowering in our church windows to brighten these dreary winter days.
Session three was ‘God makes the sun, moon and stars’. For this session, we made rockets out of cardboard and imagined we were sitting in them, looking out of the windows at all the stars, and we remembered that God knows the size and shape of every star and planet, because he made them all. We then decorated the church balcony with the rockets with coloured ribbons to represent the flames from the rocket engines. (Remembering at this point health and safety - one adult per child at the balcony edge!)
The final session ‘Creation Praise’, we decided to create an area of the church garden for God’s smaller creatures. So we have built a bug refuge for insects and other creepy crawlies out of plastic tubing, old branches and other bits of rubbish. We also built a hedgehog house - no tenant has moved in at the time of writing! And finally we made a bird feeding station, so in the coming months, the children will be able observe God’s smaller creatures up close.
Rodney D, Calverley
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