St Andrew’s 42nd Annual Family Weekend was held
on 14 – 16 November at Green Gables, Scarborough. It was enjoyed by several
generations of St Andrew’s folk and members of other Bradford North churches,
as well as some Anglican and Baptist friends.
In four sessions, ably led by our new minister, Rev
Christine Crabtree and her husband Stephen, we were brought into the presence
of “God who knows me and loves me still (A look at Psalm 139)”.
In Session One, there was quickly established an atmosphere
in which people were happy to share something significant in their personal
lives, despite the challenge of the title “Who are you really?” and the
realisation that only God knows us fully and completely (verses 1 – 6).
In Session Two, Christine graciously shared with us some of
the disappointments and struggles she herself had experienced, in which
nevertheless God had found her and blessed her. The title: “You can run, but
you can’t hide” (verses 7 – 12)
Session Three on Sunday morning, entitled “All this for you,
before you could know anything of it” (verses 13 – 16) assured us of God’s
providence and care from before our birth.
The theme of grace was emphasised in the final session
“Letting God in and finding Him there already” (verses 17 – 24). This theme was
uppermost in the singing led by guitarist Jonathan, and in recordings such as
“Pretty Amazing Grace” by Neil Diamond and others by Billy Joel and Paul Simon.
There was no shortage of fun and laughter in the Saturday
evening concert and auction, as well as conversations over meals. The weekend
was movingly rounded off with Holy Communion. We had come all-too-quickly to
the end of our stay by the North Sea, itself a reminder of God’s power and
Allan, Calverley
What a great weekend! Cold and damp outside, but not inside.
There was warmth, light and great fellowship among us.
The weekend was based on God’s complete knowledge and care
for us. The love our God has for us is beyond belief. To know that He is always
before, behind and around us, is a privilege.
My heart was surely warmed that weekend. I came away with a
real reassurance that, no matter what, God will never let me go. I look forward
to travelling along with Him.
Pauline, Eccleshill
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