On Saturday 13th
December, we held a Christmas coffee morning at St Andrew's to support one of
our families at church, in raising money to send to their family in
Zimbabwe to set up a chicken run. It was a brilliant morning and as well as
raising an amazing amount, there was so much more to celebrate.
It felt like the
whole church was supportive from the very start, with so many people
offering so many gifts. Yes, people were generous with their gifts
of money but it was also a wonderful time when people shared the gifts
which God has given them. Some talents were shared openly like the 100 carol
piano play, the Christmas entertainment and crafts on sale by the
children. Other people shared their talents in the background, by baking for
the cake stall, serving teas and coffees, washing and clearing up, listening
and talking to others and the setting up and organising the event.
I know that none of this could have taken place without many prayers and God's help and I'm certain that as the song 'When a child is born' was sung, his presence was felt. We ended the morning by singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' together.
This all goes to show that when we put our faith in God wonderful things can happen. We continue to hold the family in our prayers.
Debra, St Andrew’s
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