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Sponsored walk for "Raise the Roof" fund at Calverley

On 6th September, a group of friends walked or cycled a distance of 27 miles from Skipton to Calverley! This was to raise funds for Calverley Methodist “Raise the Roof” fund. A total of £1500 was raised.

It was an all-age group ranging from children aged 5 to adults 80 plus years young.  Sadly it rained all day long and most people were really soaked through, when they ended their journey at Calverley Methodist Church. 

Some of the children had cycled the whole of the journey.  However, arriving back at church, one would have thought they had just cycled around the park - they seemed to still have lots of energy! Yes, they were wet through and were looking forward to their bacon butties and hotdogs, but they seemed very happy. I didn’t hear any of them complaining!   The more mature friends on arriving back, well…. there were conversations of aching legs, backs and shoulders and very blistered feet – ouch!  Oh to be young and fit enough for a mega walk not to cause anything to ache!

A large number of the group, including most of the children, did walk or cycle 27 miles. There were some for whom it would have been an impossibility to walk so far, so it had been arranged to meet up at different points along the way with the rest of the group.  By doing this, everyone who wished to take part could do so. Some chose to do one lap or more around the nearby Victoria Park.

I’m quite sure there were interesting conversations shared along the way and that new friendships were made and existing friendships may have been strengthened.  This wasn’t dependent on how far friends had walked together, it happened by spending some time walking alongside one another.  Everyone did an amazing thing….they did what they were able to do…. and God would never ask us to tackle anything that wasn’t achievable, would he? It may have been just as hard for some to do one lap around the park, as it was for some to do 27 miles, but taking part, achieving one’s personal goal was just as important. Congratulations to everyone!                     

Kim, Calverley


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