Grand plans and ordinary living. These are the two things that have struck me the most over the last month or so. I have had the delight of being in annual General Church Meetings, reading reports of the many and varied different groups that the churches have. Reading the highlights, hearing the profound stories that go with them, and at the same time the ordinariness of what happens week by week, almost unnoticed apart from by those who engage. If, we ever set out all of these activities as a Grand Plan for any church right from the beginning, I am sure we would have been told amongst many other comments you can imagine, ‘That’s too adventurous … That’s a bit risky, what if no one turns up … Just who do you think would be willing to give up their time for this, or that …?’ Yet, we do. And they continue to be valuable expressions of our discipleship, activities concerned with our mission and ministry. These Annual meetings...
A group of 13 Methodist Churches in North Bradford, West Yorkshire, sharing God's love within their communities.