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May message from the Ministry Team

Dear friends

One of the ‘deep wells’ that replenishes my spirituality is the practice of ‘Lectio Divina’ which is an ancient method for praying with the Bible. It literally means ‘divine reading’, or ‘reading in a godly kind of way’. We rush about so much these days and practising the discipline of a slower reading of the Bible to allow it to speak to us is an integral aspect of Lectio Divina. If you want to try it yourself, read slowly a short passage of text that you have decided upon in advance, letting your awareness rest in turn upon each word. As you read, be alert for any particular word or phrase that draws your attention in a special way. Then meditate on this word or phrase, allowing it to engage you fully. Does the word connect with some aspect of your own experience? As you hold this in your heart, let yourself become aware of any answering words, images, or memories that arise in you. Then finally respond through prayer to the word you have heard, simply and directly. Your heart may call out in thanks, or praise, or joy. If the word has been challenging, your response might be one of remorse, or anger, or supplication

As I journeyed through Lent to Easter this year, one of the things that really struck me in reading the Bible more slowly was the loneliness of Jesus. Jesus was alone when he journeyed through the wilderness. When he was in the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed in lonely anguish just before his public betrayal and subsequent arrest. And when Jesus gave up his last on the cross, he cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

In his great song “At the Foot of the Cross”, Derek Bond wrote:
And oh what mercy I have found at the Cross of Calvary
I will never know your loneliness all on account of me
And I will bow my knee before your throne, ‘cause your love has set me free
And I will give my life to you, dear Lord and praise your majesty

There are times in life when we might feel alone. Times when we lose a loved one, times when relationships or friendships don’t work out, times we have to make hard decisions that leave us feeling isolated, and times when we make mistakes. Jesus had to know what it was like to be forsaken and to be lonely, in order to take on that brokenness and transform and redeem it. He did that by paying the greatest price anyone can ever pay – his very life; but he also said “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:16-17) Our journey continues then beyond Lent and Easter as we look forward to Pentecost in light of the resurrection. We are reminded, at that time, that we can never be alone – ever again – because we are blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit – our Comforter, Defender, Helper, and Strengthener. When we feel alone, may our prayer be quite simply “Come, Holy Spirit, come.” May we allow ourselves to be still and know God and slow down to allow His Word and the Holy Spirit to comfort us and fill us anew. Amen

God bless,
Rev Mark


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