for Bradford City and Surrounds
What are we all doing for our contribution for the p4b Lenten prayer, on your chosen day – Monday or Tuesday 14-15th
April ?
Here are some ideas
Get a picture
of the place, or the bit that matters most to you:
Look at a map: see where you are, and your
neighbouring areas
Collect some photos: places, faces, events,
Stand at a viewpoint over the area you want to
focus on
Take a walk through the area, or a bus, or even drive
Listen to what’s going on in the
Scan the T&A or freebie local paper, Look
North, Calendar, radio
Listen to what they’re saying at bus stops, shop queues, etc.
Talk to your pew neighbours and prayer groups,
and share ideas
Pray about what you see and hear,
as directed by the Lord:
Mark good, godly developments to be encouraged;
be thankful
Note problems which still need solving, and call
on God’s help
Pray yourself, involve others, or get the church
Look to Scripture to start or
stimulate ideas, e.g.:
Jer 29:7; Ps 127 (or indeed any Psalms that
appeal to you);
Paul prayers, from: Ro 1:8; 1 Cor 1:4; Phil 1:3;
Col 1:2; 1 Thes 1:2
Let John Wilson or me know how you get on, and what may come of it...,
so we can share things in future issues of The Link.
so we can share things in future issues of The Link.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for
each week
Lord, please bless your people in this place, and spread your
kingdom. We ask this in the name of
Jesus, for your Fatherly glory, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sovereign Lord, high over all yet deep in our hearts,
almighty yet tenderly caring, have mercy upon your people in the Bradford area. May your will be done, here. Amen.
Radiant Lord, filled with life, and the source of our life, please
shine your goodness into the dark corners of our lives and our area; banish the
dark and bring light. Amen.
Listening Lord, always teaching us to listen in our turn, to
you and to our neighbour, please help us respond to what we hear and see, and
to act as you direct us. Amen.
Your own prayers
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