Bradford North Prayer Column:
February 2014
A Streetlight
streetlight has failed outside our house.
I’ve told the council, and no doubt they’ll get round to fixing it. Meanwhile nights retreat a few minutes each
day, promising the welcome return of spring and summer. How important light is in our lives, both
physically and in other ways: when things come together suddenly, it’s like a
flash of light as we grasp what we couldn’t see; when difficulties look like
being resolved, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. When Jesus came to earth, his life was the
light that shines for all (Jn 1:4,9), heralding an end to dismal nights of
moral blindness and bringing hope. And
hope remains, besides love (which also came down at Christmas – H&P 105),
and faith in Jesus as the light of the world.
Hope in what he did: defeating death and
disarming dark powers
Hope because of Easter, when he rose to new life
that never ends
Hope based on his words, the safe rock we can
build on securely
Hope in the teeth of contrary winds and undimmed
by dark clouds
Hope shining like a beacon, or a candle, or a
And prayer is
part of all that. Thanks to Christmas
and Easter we have access into the very presence of God, where we can present
our requests for the fulfilment of all the Lord’s promises, and the extension
of his kingdom of light, illuminating our own lives and reaching further afield
– to others as yet without the clear light of Jesus.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
Lord, kindling a spark of hope in all who trust themselves to you, through
Jesus, please make your word a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, that
we may step safely as we follow wherever you lead. Amen.
Lord of the
true light, providing each of us with a hands-free head-torch in the Holy
Spirit, please prompt us to switch it on in the dusk, and heed the Spirit’s
shining into every dark corner we come to on our journey. Amen.
Lord of the
path, the track, the road and the motorway (not to mention shipping lanes and
airways), please guide us safely at every turn and junction, responding wisely
to your flashing indicators and warning lights.
Lord of the unputoutable light, which casts no shadow and leaves no crevice
unsearched, please light up our lives with your hope, fan into flame our embers
of love, and refine our faith into glowing gold. Amen.
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