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Showing posts from February, 2014

Resources for Easter from Cornerstone

Resources for Easter An opportunity to learn about new and innovative resources for exploring Holy Week and Easter. Ideal for leaders of Holy Week workshops, holiday clubs, reflections and worship with all ages. Where? Trinity Methodist Church, Skipton When? Tuesday 11th March 2014 10am—12noon Or 7.30pm—9.30pm Cost? £5 per head or 3 for £12 Be the first to view and trial some of the brand new resources available for loan from Cornerstone. Flyer Visit Cornerstone's web site Cornerstone's February Newsletter oooOOOooo ‘How is business?’ is a question frequently asked by our customers. And our response is, ‘It’s tough but we are still here!’ These are challenging times for all booksellers and whilst the work continues to be hard, we are learning new and creative ways of working and are excited by the future. External work Over the last two years Cornerstone has developed important partnerships with denominational networks, Christian organisations,...

Own Arrangements Gathering - 3 March

Monday 3 March 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm St Andrews Methodist Church Otley Road, Undercliffe, BD2 4QP An invitation to church stewards and all those involved in ‘Own Arrangements’ preparation. There have been a whole range of different and creative ‘OA’ services across the Circuit. So the Church Stewards’ gathering in December requested that we hold an event to share ideas. Please come with your experiences, and materials! This will be an opportunity to give and receive.

Minister's message - February

Dear Friends As I write this letter, we have been completing the final stages of clearing away Christmas. Every year, after we put the boxes of decorations up into the roof, there are always odd items to be discovered that have been left out. No doubt at some point in the coming weeks I will feel the sharp pain of a stray pine needle, as it finds its way from the carpet into my foot - it usually happens. It is as if the last remnants of the Christmas celebration are still with us. The month of February offers us a pause in our Christian journey, as we leave the story of Christmas behind and wait for the Easter story to unfold. For some Christian traditions, the month begins with the feast of Candlemas (2 February) which focuses on the dedication of the infant Christ in the temple, in readiness for what lies ahead ( Luke 2:22-38 ). It is a story of celebration and welcome, as expressed by Anna, but also a story with an edge, shown in Simeon's prophecy about Jesus and Mary, with ...

Vacancy P/T Clerical Administrator - Bradford South

Bradford South Circuit 27/33 The Bradford South Circuit wishes to appoint a part time Clerical Administrator to support the work of the Circuit Administrator. 6 hours per week - £7.65 per hour with effect from April 2014. To request an information pack please contact: The Circuit Office New Hey Road Methodist Church Brompton Road East Bowling Bradford BD4 7HY Tel: 01274 724321                             E-mail: Closing date for completed applications: 28 th February 2014

Development event: "We'd like our baby christening at your church!"

“We’d like our baby christening at your church!” An evening for First Steps, Cradle Roll secretaries, those with responsibilities for baptism families and Local Preachers, who enjoy baptising babies! Monday March 17 th 2014 7.30pm – 9.00pm (tea and coffee from 7.00pm) Northcliffe LEP Programme Service ideas – Sarah Jemison Children’s activities – Sharon Fell ‘In our church we do’ – participants Please bring any resources or ideas that have worked in your church; we learn from sharing experiences. RSVP

West Yorkshire Youth Network Together - 23 February

West Yorkshire Youth Network Together – 23-2-14 WYYN Together is the first event for the new West Yorkshire Youth Network. We will be meeting together at Cornerstone Methodist Church in the Bradford South Circuit on Sunday 23 rd February between 3.30 and 8.00pm. The program for the evening is included below but it will be a great opportunity for young people between the ages of 11 and 21 to get together. There will be opportunities for socialising and meeting new people, discussing issues that are important to them, for getting involved in worship, to eat together and to meet the Methodist Youth President Tamara Wray . This is a fantastic opportunity to prepare for the first Youth Synod that will be running alongside the main Synod in May, to get to know the people that will be there and to have an opportunity to influence the topics that might be discussed at this and future Synods. I encourage anyone who works with any people in this age group to do their best to bring...

Marion Boase - Memorial Service

We learnt, with sadness, early last week that Marion Boase, a local preacher who was accredited in the Woodhouse Grove circuit, and went south to live with her daughter a few years ago, as her health was failing, died on 26 January. Marion’s funeral took place in the south of England on Monday 3 February, but it was her wish that a memorial service be held in Bradford, where she grew up and had spent most of her life. This has now been arranged and it will be led by Nick Blundell, with input from Martin Bashforth, at St Andrew’s on Sunday 16 February at 12.30 pm . All local preachers and church members who knew Marion are invited to remember her at this special service. Our thoughts and prayers are with Marion's daughter, family and friends.

February 2014 Prayer Column - A street light

Bradford North Prayer Column:  February 2014 A Streetlight A streetlight has failed outside our house.  I’ve told the council, and no doubt they’ll get round to fixing it.  Meanwhile nights retreat a few minutes each day, promising the welcome return of spring and summer.  How important light is in our lives, both physically and in other ways: when things come together suddenly, it’s like a flash of light as we grasp what we couldn’t see; when difficulties look like being resolved, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.  When Jesus came to earth, his life was the light that shines for all (Jn 1:4,9), heralding an end to dismal nights of moral blindness and bringing hope.  And hope remains, besides love (which also came down at Christmas – H&P 105), and faith in Jesus as the light of the world. ·       Hope in what he did: defeating death and disarming dark powers ·       Hope because of...