Hey, have you heard...?
What about that,
then? It’s very human to gloat over the fall of someone, especially if
they’re prominent or well thought of. The news industry thrives on it,
and always has. You only have to lower your voice in a certain way to get
instant attention from all around. The words of the whisperer are like
delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body (Prov
18:8). But they don’t do any good when they get there.
Gloating’s very human, but
sub-Christian. So how should we react when someone falls from grace or
goes astray, especially a fellow believer? Here are some suggestions:
There but for the grace of God go I.
Reflect on our own vulnerability and pray for continued protection and guidance
(1 Cor 10:12).
Thus humbled, reach out compassionately to
restore the fallen (Gal 6:1). The gift of prayer brings everyone within
our reach.
If we’ve been hurt, remember the ‘f’ word:
forgiveness (2 Cor 2:7). And we may have to pray for the strength we need
for that.
is common to us all (1 Cor 10:13). Thus we can pray for all (us too?)
straying nearer the precipice than is safe, perhaps blindly.
With Jesus, no one is beyond repair, however
broken they may seem.
The Lord be with us all.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
Lord God, holy and almighty,
merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and
faithfulness, please guide our steps amidst all the many pitfalls, through
Jesus. Amen.
Spirit of the living God, fall
afresh on me – and work in me your miracle of calling and leading, of guiding
and keeping, and of mending and moulding me more into the likeness your Son
Jesus. Amen.
Let all the words of my
mouth and even the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and redeemer, that you may be glorified and others healed,
through Jesus. Amen.
Heavenly Father, please bless us
and keep us, wayward though we may lean: pull us back into line, retune our sat
navs to home on you, and lead us safely by your chosen paths, with Jesus.
Lord, Teacher, Companion,
Counsellor, Helper, Spirit of Truth, please open our ears and eyes, that we may
worship God truly, with heart, mind soul and strength, with and through
Jesus. Amen.
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