Always Connected
The rising generation is always
connected. You see it wherever you go:
heads down, thumbs active, eyes glued, ears wired. It’s true they sometimes don’t seem so much
in touch with others around them, but they’re plugged in and switched on. I’ve been wondering about 3G (always
connected) prayer. It isn’t new, of
course. Jesus said we ought always to
pray and not lose heart (Lk 18:1), and Paul urged it often: ‘Pray without
ceasing’ (Ro 12:12; Eph 6:18; Col 4:2; 1 Thes 5:17). There is much to be learned from teenage
dedication, but with one or two major differences.
In prayer we’re not
connecting to some remote system of machinery for as long as our credit lasts,
but with the Father God in the control room of creation, to whom we have been
granted (through Jesus, in the Spirit) 24/7 access – wherever, whenever,
whoever, and forever. It’s a pretty good
contract. And the purpose of getting
connected is for help in time of need to be more
in touch with those around us: more compassionate, more open, more listening,
more helpful. More present where we are,
as the Quakers say.
The only thing remaining is to
learn how, and as every child in the rising generation knows, all you have to
do is switch on and get exploring. The
world awaits.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week
a quickie, Lord. I want to say thanks
for always being there. It’s so great to
know you’re always available. And such a
blessing. Why don’t I do it more often? Sorry!
Thanks. Bye.
Lord, looks like your help’s needed with
that guy over there. I can’t do anything
but ask you. Please tap on their window,
lift the gloom, whisper a message, bring a friend. Thanks.
Lord, I’ve got here, but I don’t know where next. Please guide me: where to turn, what to
decide, and who with. I want to do your
will, not the world’s, but it’s hard to see how. Amen.
Lord, I’ve just a moment. Please bless what I’m doing, so I do it
right. And bless those I’m meeting, and
working with, so that your presence, direction and energy fills us all. Amen.
Your own prayers
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