Dear Friends
"I didn't want to get out of bed this morning"
(song by the Yeah You's)
Since New Year's Day I have needed to sleep more than usual. This is not because I have collapsed exhausted after all the Christmas activities. it is because of an extremely heavy cold which I am only now beginning to shake off. The words quoted above by the "Yeah You's" reflect my feelings abou the last ten days. I have also been quite grumpy as I have needed tor est when I should have been working.
During Advent I read a number of reflections by Maggi Dawn from her book "Beginnings and Endings". Little did I realise that one particular reflection would be very appropriate after New Year. The passage is 1 Kings 19 1-9a, where Elijah collapses in exhaustion and despair after his encounter with the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel. Maggi highlighted the way God cared for Elijah at his point of need.
'Here, God met him in his most profound moment of human need and gave him the most basic practical human care: food, drink and sleep'*
God met Elijah in the midst of his humanity. he looked after the needs of his body and, when he was refreshed, he dealt with the needs of his soul. God gave Elijah the space to rest and recuperate.
We all struggle with illness at some time. this may be a heavy cold that hangs on for days and takes all our energy or it may be something more serious. the story of Elijah reminds us that God's care comes to us through the provision of food, drink and sleep. he meets us at the point of our need through the compassion and love of those who provide these very basic human needs.
It also reminds me that we all have permission, when we are feeling unwell to rest and say, 'I didn't want to get out of bed this morning!'
Revd Lynn Britten
*Beginning and Endings (and what happens in between) Maggi Dawn
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