Snow Prayers
I’ve just been clearing snow off our paths and drive. Doubtless it won’t be the last time this year. I’m glad I’ve got a couple of good tools: a bulldozer-shaped blade on a good strong handle for pushing it into heaps, and a light, long-handled shovel for heaving it away. But it’s funny stuff, snow. Last time it was light and fluffy: clearing it was no effort at all. Today is was deeper and heavier – beginning to be wet – though not as heavy as it would have become if I’d delayed getting on with the job. I’ve learned that from experience.We could pray for those whose lives are seriously disrupted by snow, with work slowed or halted and earnings threatened, while remembering those facing the extra cost of keeping things moving (and getting flak when they can’t).
That doesn’t affect me too badly, being retired, but of course age means slips and falls are more likely, and more serious. So we could praise God for the wildly wonderful fun children have sledging and snowballing, while asking for protection for the vulnerable.
But perhaps snow clearing offers a lesson for prayer more generally. Sometimes it’s no effort; at other times it’s hard work; but it always makes things easier (and it’s better to start soon) Experience helps, and so do the right tools, like having a good handle on scripture. And it’s often better working together.
Roy Lorrain-Smith
A prayer for each week in February
The Lord freezes, and the Lord melts: blessed be the name of the Lord (Psalm 146:16-18). Help us to praise you, Lord, for your omniscient sovereignty. Amen.The Lord sends snow, and the Lord recalls it: accomplishing his purpose (Isaiah 55:10-11). Help us to praise you, Lord, for the way you work in our lives. Amen.
The Lord purifies our record, from sin-crimson to fresh-snow-clean, (Isaiah 1:18). Help us to praise you, Lord, for fresh starts when we fail, through Jesus. Amen.
The Lord’s own radiance outshines pure snow in the bright winter dawn (Rev 1:14). Help us to praise you, Lord, for you are wholly worthy of all our praise. Amen.
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