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Showing posts from October, 2012

HOPE Together & HOPE Revolution

Dear friends, You are personally invited to attend an exciting evening at  Bradford Academy  that we hope will bring people together from Bradford and Leeds to see how further  Unity, Prayerful Worship and Missional Transformation  can develop between the two cities. Back in July 2012, we saw over 50 young people, 12 leaders and several churches from across Bradford and Leeds join together in a 2 day pilot mission. We partnered with a local church in Bradford to share and witness to Christ's love in word and deed. In addition to this, we included young people in the conversation of ways in which to help connect both cities in the future. There are many people interested in exploring the potential of developing something on a larger scale, culminating in a week of mission across the two cities in 2014.   Your attendances and input will help shape the way forward: We would like to invite you to an exciting evening of information about HOPE Together and the y...

Understanding & Transforming Conflict - 17 November 2012

Understanding & Transforming Conflict: a day to raise awareness of conflict in churches … and how it can be transformed. Saturday 17 November 2012 Little Lane Church , (Little Lane, Bradford BD9 5HD) Conflict happens everywhere ... ... so why not equip yourself and your church with an awareness of what may be happening and some skills to help transform conflict when it occurs? A conflict awareness day ... ... is designed to help you explore conflict in an interesting, thoughtful and safe way - and have fun at the same time! The day will be particularly appropriate for churches not experiencing difficult conflict, but who want to develop and maintain good relationships Jointly led by:  Revd Dr James Coleman, Synod Development Officer, Revd Kevin Watson, Synod Moderator, Mr Alastair Forsyth, Elder, Knaresborough URC Further details: Revd Dr James F Coleman, Synod Development Officer, The United Reformed Church, Yorks...

The JB Big Band - 24 November 2012

Enjoy an evening of your favourite music when The JB Big Band Weaves its incredible magic! At Wrose Methodist Church Thornacre Road, Wrose, Shipley, BD18 1JY On Saturday 24th November 2012 At 7.30 p.m. Tickets £7 [includes a buffet supper] Raffle on the night For tickets or more information Ring 588875 / 587734

Table Top Sale - 10 November 2012

Saturday 10th November 2012 10 a.m. to 12 noon At Wrose Methodist Church Hall Thornacre Road, Wrose, Shipley, BD18 1JY Come in and share in the warmth and friendship, whilst, of course, enjoying a drink and bacon butties! Stalls will include cake & bric-a-brac To book a table please ring: 01274 588875 or 587734

Scarecrow Festival

When we first mooted the idea of having a Scarecrow Festival it seemed months away – it was!  But the months passed so swiftly it was upon us before we realised.  Thank goodness for the Internet as September saw a flurry of emails from which materialised volunteer signup sheets, posters, flyers, leaflets and a most amazing weekend! A few of us went to church on Friday afternoon not sure who would turn up, whether there’d be any scarecrows and with no specific plans; they did, there were and gradually it all started to come together.  Having seen the work that our groups had put into making their scarecrows, we left praying that people would turn up on the Saturday to see them. We needn’t have worried as there was a steady stream of people both morning and afternoon and we were thrilled by the length of time our visitors stayed with us.  They offered prayers on sheaves of wheat, and the children’s table was a constant hive of activity as young and not so you...

Encountering Depression - Autumn Author Event

Cornerstone Bookshop   welcomes   Rev Andrew & Dr Elizabeth Procter   For the 2012 Autumn Author Event   Encountering Depression What is depression? Christians and Depression Recovering from Depression   Thursday 1st November 7.30pm OR   Saturday 3rd November 9.30am at Trinity Methodist Church Westmoreland Street, Skipton, BD23 2EA. (access from Duckett Street)   Tickets £5 available from:   Cornerstone, 17 Newmarket Street, Skipton Tel 01756 793673 email:   

Disciples Together

Disciples Together 13 October 2012 from 10am-4pm at Woodhouse Grove School Led by Revd Dr Roger Walton The morning will be an exploration of discipleship and the role of small groups. The afternoon will provide a chance to encounter and experience resources and group materials. Disciple – Bible study for discipleship Cell Groups – how are they different from house group and what impact can they have on a church? Know and Grow – a supported mission programme for local churches Girl Friend Theology - connecting with God everyday Living the Questions - an open minded alternative to the studies that attempt to give you all the answers Table-talk – a game of conversations Encounter - exploring where God might be leading next Lyfe – a conversation between friends seeking a richer relationship with God This is a unique opportunity to explore resources for your church. Bring a car load. To book a place contact the District Office 01484 719993 or email: admin...

Amendment to Circuit Plan

Please note that the evening service at Baildon on 4 November will commence at 4.30 and continue until 6pm.  This service for all ages will be led by David and Elaine Lee based on information and activities provided by “Open Doors UK”.

Festive Fair Trade 13 October

Festive Fair Trade Saturday 13 October 2012 10.00 am to 12.00 noon Calverley Methodist Church There will be a large selection of fair trade food, gifts and also Christmas cards available as well as refreshments, entry is free but donations for refreshments will be gratefully received for Traidcraft Exchange.  

Blenheim Brunch 20 October 2012

Blenheim Brunch Saturday 20 October 2012 at Haworth Road Methodist Church 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm Why not pop in for Soup & Sandwiches followed by Dessert Tea/Coffee £5.00

Message from the Link

D ISSUE 16 OCTOBER 2012 ear Friends How many times have you heard people say in your church ‘Well, I didn’t know about that!’  Quickly followed by, ‘Well, if you read the notices …’ Communication within churches can be wonderful, it can be a little frustrating and it can be never quite what we had hoped.  The same is true across the Circuit, and very soon we will be reviewing methods and means of communication.  Part of this review may include looking at ‘The Link’ and ‘Outlook’ in the light of our focus upon Mission.  For example, it may be that we move more towards what has happened and how it worked to encourage churches to think about the stories that they have to share, rather than being a notice sheet of things to come. Which leads me to ask, have we ever wondered about who it is we are trying to communicate to, and about what?  For example, there have been many adverts in ‘ The Link’ about coffee mornings and cake....