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Showing posts from February, 2016

February Message from the Ministry Team

As Christians, I think we are all aware in varying degrees of the constant tension of living between the “now” and the “not yet”.  We were perhaps reminded of that as we approached the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, and as we remembered and celebrated the first coming of Christ and looked forward to his second coming.  2015 was certainly an eventful and challenging year for many, and likely we all have tremendous hopes and expectations for what 2016 might bring.  The question is, how do we prepare ourselves for what the future might have in store? I think at times I am an expert at procrastination.  It is very easy to have an attitude of “Oh, it’s ok – it can always wait until another day.”  Then when another day comes it’s all too easy to find another excuse to put something off.  In Luke Chapter 12, from verse 35 the passage speaks about watchfulness…“ Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waitin...

Pearls of Wisdom

In March, Thornton Church is celebrating its 30 th (Pearl) anniversary in the current building. Preparations for a weekend of celebration are going well. Activities and displays are being prepared, including a birthday cake competition (we hope to eat the winner!) and flower festival.   We have also been gathering old photos and information about the previous building and this one, and memories of our past and present members, to make a display telling our story.   It's an opportunity for outreach, as we write to people who have been married or baptised at the church to invite them along, and we have made contact with people we haven’t seen for a while. Many envelopes were addressed by a working party after Sunday worship on 31 January, and we have contributed hugely to the profits of the Royal Mail!     Thornton Stewards

Holiday at Home: 13 January 2016

This winter has been one of rain and floods and people having to evacuate their homes. The news has been depressing. Well, all that has changed for our intrepid Holiday at Homers. Wednesday 13 th January was cold but bright. The frost was on the ground when a group of about 50 people descended on St. Andrew’s Church for the Holiday at Home celebration. We were introduced to a potted history of Bradford and then a mind-stretching quiz about recognising famous people from the 1920’s, 30’s & 40’s. Trevor R from Haworth Road Church regaled us with very humorous accounts and poems, regarding our more senior years. Having had our appetites whetted, we moved into the church for lunch. Once again the food was wonderful in both quality and quantity. The one thing about Holiday at Home is you never go away hungry. It never ceases to amaze me how much food disappears. After lunch, we were royally entertained by Stevie L, who took us back to the 1950’s. He caused a few heart...

Bethlehem was busy at Saltaire’s Nativity

Once again, adults supplemented the members of Junior Church to tell the Nativity story at Saltaire Methodist Church. So many people were at the dress rehearsal, they wondered whether there would be anyone left to be in the congregation! Happily there was a good congregation, as husbands and other relatives came to fill their seats. The choir, now a year old, doubled as the Bethlehem Women’s Institute, whilst non-singers had the ‘comedy parts’ and Junior Church members acted out the heart of the story. Joseph ensured an authentic stable atmosphere by bringing along a toy rat! But Willow’s solo to start Away in a Manger was beautifully sung and brought everyone’s hearts and minds back to the story and its message. We thank Lesley for once again writing the script and directing the players, Mags for training the choir which goes from strength to strength under her direction and Carolyn for sorting costumes for all of us. As most were last used by children of a previous Jun...

A human Christingle!

A new element was introduced into the annual Christingle service at St Andrew’s on Christmas Eve.  A packed church witnessed the creation of a human Christingle! Having explained the composition and symbolism of a regular Christingle – orange, red ribbon, cocktail sticks, sweets and a candle – Rev Nick gathered members of the congregation to take the place of these components, as they (roughly) resembled an orange, and made a brave attempt to look like cocktail sticks, and one press-ganged Mum imitated a candle! It was a lot of fun, and gave a new slant to a familiar service. We were delighted that the church was once again filled with families and lots of children. Some of the ‘actors’ had travelled from as far afield as New Jersey, USA to take part. Martin B St Andrew’s

Christians suffer persecution in Pakistan – and in Bradford!

A peaceful protest meeting was held in Bradford, to protest on behalf of a Christian brother, who converted to Christianity from Islam a long time ago with his family. He has had many atacks on him and recently he was attacked near his home by Muslim extremists, who left him with a broken knee and a broken hand. The peaceful protest was organised by the chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association and was attended by people from Leeds, Bradford and nearby areas. There were people present from all different religions, such as Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Jews. This protest was covered by the Telegraph and Argus newspaper and BBC Radio Leeds was also present at the protest. Saleem was interviewed by Radio Leeds and mentioned that we need...

Thornton Pantomime

ThorntonMethodist Church had a pantomime called The Cat, the Rat and the Pirates. It ran over two nights and was well attended by the community. There were lots of laughs and audience participation and everyone had a most enjoyable time. (Oh no, they didn’t, Oh yes, we did, haha!) Elaine B

February 2016 Prayer Column

Going with the ebb and flow? Feb.  Dawns come earlier.  Springtime promises.  The blessed annual cycle of the seasons.  To be recognised and welcomed, thankfully, before God – who else?  And, just as we know that the year has warmth and winter, seedtime and harvest, so similar seasons come upon our spirit lives: thus we can pray for eyes to see and lips to tell how great is God Almighty who may see fit to lead us through ebbs and flows of restraint and restoration, that all may be well with our soul.  Even in our frosts there is good cause to praise, while yet praying for a thaw. There are other thankful cycles too: day and night, marking our living routines; sleeping and waking; rest and activity.  Though nights are sometimes fraught with worry, joy comes with the morning (Psalm 30:5).  We can pray to the Saviour for help in troubles: that they be solved; that we endure; and that we are victorious over all that would dent our faith.  ...