INTRODUCTION Traditionally we close our eyes when we pray to avoid distraction. In contrast, these prayers are written with the suggestion that you look at one particular object. Make this the focus of your attention to help you to pray. The objects are mostly common, everyday articles that you are likely to have at hand. The book has been compiled with the intention that it might be used as an opening time of prayer by small groups but also that it could be for personal use by individuals. The first section invites you to look at the object in new ways and to see it in a wider context than normal. In groups this could lead to some discussion and sharing of thoughts and reactions. From this may arise some topics for prayer but the second section gives some further suggestions. Bible passages have been identified to help you reflect on each area and finally there are some written prayers. Those who have written these prayers hope that they will be helpful in broa...
A group of 13 Methodist Churches in North Bradford, West Yorkshire, sharing God's love within their communities.