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Showing posts from April, 2013

Seeing and Praying - New WYS book!

INTRODUCTION Traditionally we close our eyes when we pray to avoid distraction. In contrast, these prayers are written with the suggestion that you look at one particular object. Make this the focus of your attention to help you to pray. The objects are mostly common, everyday articles that you are likely to have at hand. The book has been compiled with the intention that it might be used as an opening time of prayer by small groups but also that it could be for personal use by individuals. The first section invites you to look at the object in new ways and to see it in a wider context than normal. In groups this could lead to some discussion and sharing of thoughts and reactions. From this may arise some topics for prayer but the second section gives some further suggestions. Bible passages have been identified to help you reflect on each area and finally there are some written prayers. Those who have written these prayers hope that they will be helpful in broa...

Greenbelt bus

Message from the Chair of the District to youth group leaders Many of you will know that last year a number of young people from the District (in different youth groups) combined to travel to Greenbelt together.  Subsequently many of them led our worship at Synod in September. It was clear to me that these young people got a great deal from the experience and from being linked together so that there could be further links and supportive relationships between youth groups in the District. It is our intention this year to pay for a coach to take similar groups who would like to attend Greenbelt for the first time or for the “nth” time.  The purpose would be to provide easy transport (we would pick up at various points in the District on the Friday to travel to Greenbelt and return people to the same points on the Monday). The bus would be provided free of charge to all those who wish to go.  The District is not proposing however to pay for Greenbelt ticket...

A fantastic one-year opportunity for someone aged 16 – 23*

A fantastic one-year opportunity for someone aged 16 – 23* to: Help people through our busy café and community centre at Huddersfield Mission. Make a contribution to your local community. Learn about yourself. Enjoy a challenge. Meet other young people across the country doing similar things. Gain an understanding of how welfare changes are affecting people. * Applicants must be aged 16 to 23 on 1st September 2013 Closing date for application: Wednesday 15th May 2013 Interview date: Monday 3rd June 2013 Full details (pdf)

Holiday at Home - Help needed!

Holiday at Home - Help needed Can you help to give our elderly people a holiday experience, friendship and fun? Holiday at Home has been in existence for 8 years now. In that time we have been able to give over 100 people a wonderful holiday experience, fun, friendship and happy memories. The last 2 years has seen several new guests from across the circuit coming to enjoy the experience. In order for Holiday at Home to take place, we rely on an army of volunteers who are willing to give time. I would therefore like to say a huge thank you to all the team who help make Holiday at Home possible. We always need more helpers and so if you feel you could give up just an hour or two during the week then please get in touch. We need car drivers, people to move furniture, serving and kitchen people and befrienders. Most of our helpers will say that they really enjoy being a part of it. Sadly the future of Holiday at Home is uncertain, as some of the key members of the team are finding...

Spring Concert - Thornton Singers

Thornton Singers Thornton Singers, based at Haworth Road Methodist Church, are holding their— SPRING CONCERT @ St Andrews , Undercliffe on Saturday 11th May at 7pm This concert full of popular modern music and music from the shows has something for everyone. Items include “Shine”, “Something inside so strong”, “Chattanoogo Choo CHoo”, Disney items, Mamma Mia and Evita collections. Tickets are available now. We are recruiting more singers, let s know if you are interested. Singing is good for your health and we are a happy group with good fellowship with our members. You will be welcome at our rehearsals at Haworth Road Methodist Church on Wednesday evenings.

Ecumenical Quiet Day - 2 May 2013

ECUMENICAL QUIET DAY The Briery Retreat Centre 38 Victoria Avenue Ilkley LS29 9BW Thursday 2nd May 2013, 10am – 4pm “Share the Journey of Faith” in the company of St Brendan the Navigator A summer day of reflection with music and prayer LED BY KATHARINE CHENEY £15 INCLUDING MORNING COFFEE, SOUP LUNCH AND AFTERNOON TEA TO BOOK TEL. 01943 607287

Quiz for Christian Aid - 10 May 2013.

Quiz 7.00 pm Friday 10 May 2013 Little Lane LEP , BRADFORD, BD9 5HD Tickets £4 Children 14 and under £1.50 - numbers are limited. Team size: 4-6 each table to be equal size on the night. Only reserved tickets will be available at the door. Light supper.