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Showing posts from March, 2012

First Aiders needed

This is an appeal for any appointed person first aiders who will be able to help at Synod on Saturday 28 th April.  They need to be at Baildon from 8.30am until 3.30pm but this could be just a 2 hour slot between these times.  We need at least 5 volunteers if you could help, please let the Circuit Office know.

47 Halifax Long March

Christian Aid FIGHT POVERTY STEP BY STEP 47th HALIFAX LONG MARCH Easter Sunday Night - 8 April 2012 A 13.1 or 26.2 mile sponsored night hike raising money for some of the world's poorest communities. Application forms available from Halifax YMCA, churches and tourist information centre.  For additional information call Elizabeth 01422 342470

Harecroft Final Service

Pending confirmation from Synod, the Circuit Meeting on 1 March 2012 granted Harecroft Methodist Church permission to cease worship. The Superintendent commended the contribution that the members of Harecroft have given to the Circuit The last Service will be the Anniversary Service on Sunday 29 April 2012 at 2.00 pm. We uphold the members of Harecroft in prayer through these difficult weeks and pray that they will soon settle into new spiritual homes.

Methodists for World Mission Spring Meeting

John Watmough   President of MWMNW   warmly invites you to the Spring Meeting On 12 May 2012 at Baildon Methodist Church Newton Way, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 5NH Speaker: Miss Barbara Dickinson Nurse Tutor at Maua Methodist Hospital, Maua, Kenya Mission Partner with the Methodist Church Also Rev Dr Roger Walton, Chair of West Yorkshire District & Mrs Barbara Butler, President of MWM 3pm Followed by Afternoon Tea (donation) Stalls for   Phakamisa, Traidcraft, Christian Aid Childrens Creche and Activities available For further details and to register please contact : John Watmough   01274 403430 M 07870476806 Or contact Claire at the circuit office on 01274 597790 Approximate numbers of adults and names and ages of children attending are needed by 21 April please.

Big Jubilee Lunch – 3rd June 2012

In 2012 the country and commonwealth will be celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. There will, no doubt, be pomp and circumstance in June and delight over an extra day Bank Holiday on 5 th June giving a four day break, a week later than usual. Churches are called and invited to be visible and practical in our communities to host or help arrange a Sunday Lunch. Many churches do on occasion or regularly have Sunday lunches after their morning services, which are well attended and appreciated – so please on 3 rd June 2012 can you do a little more? Can you open your doors and fit in a few extra? Can you invite neighbours or even strangers off the streets? Are you brave enough to barbeque or do a hog roast outside? Or could you just invite one or two more people to share your lunch at home? Our calling is service and our tradition is hospitality, so let’s make the most of this opportunity to express this – ecumenically...

Why is church work so difficult?

Church work is hard everywhere. Did you pray at your last deacons' banquet, "Lord, thank you for preparing a table for me in the presence of my enemies"? Is your church so small that when you say "Dearly Beloved," your wife is embarrassed? Do you feel as if each sermon is like explaining Leviticus to a four-year-old? Do you feel like you are the Titanic and the church is the iceberg? Is your latest vision statement "Misery loves company"? Was deacon grump-a-lot voted chairman and his wife  believes her spiritual gift is suffering? Speaking of suffering, did your best deacon say he never understood suffering until he heard you preach? And worse, the chairman of your over-budget and under-financed committee has been there so long it is rumored he is the one who ratted on Ananias and Sapphira… Why is church work so difficult? It is the people. They are everywhere. If you don't like the people at your church, remember they are at every other...

Jeremiah - Prophet of Hope!

The Bradford School of Ministry   An Occasional Theology Day to be held at Kadugli House on Saturday, 16 June 10.00 am - 2.30 pm Jeremiah -  Prophet of Hope! History has not been kind to Jeremiah. His name has become a byword for gloom and pessimism but in fact he was man of huge courage and hope. At a time of national crisis he stood up to be counted despite doubts within and critics without. Come and get a fresh understanding of this all-too-human man of God and what he can teach us today. As usual there is no charge for this event but places are limited so you must book. Gerald Mack will lead the day but to reserve a place please contact . Drinks & biscuits will be provided for a small charge but please bring your own lunch.

A Festival of Crosses - 31 March

A Festival of Crosses - Saturday 31 March 2012 Exhibitions on the theme of the The Cross 10.00 - 12.00 noon - Little Lane Church (Bring & Buy, Traidcraft) 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm Bethel Baptist Church (Lunch available) 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm Heaton Baptist Church (Meditation in words and music)