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Showing posts from February, 2012

All, Together in Worship - Update

At a useful meeting that brought together Christians from across the denominations in Shipley and Methodists from the Bradford North Circuit we agreed that there is both a need and desire for regular inclusive worship for learning disabled people. Our next step is to see how this can happen. So, we are looking out for all sorts of people to join in this service and mission, which we hope to present perhaps 4 times a year. The blessing is that anyone can contribute in many simple and easy ways. We are especially hoping to hear from people who can offer craft, music, drama and dance. If you have skills in leading and teaching singing during worship, ask God if he is leading you to bring your blessing to this group of his people. You could take part by helping with refreshments and preparing the service. The least and the best you can do is to pray for this vision. Join us at the next meeting at Northcliffe Church. Thursday March 8 th 7pm.

Sheffield Festival of Preaching

On Saturday 17th March, 2012, Sheffield Cathedral, we're holding an ecumenical Festival titled "Alive to the Word!", in conjunction with The Methodist Church and the Yorkshire Synod of The United Reformed Church. The day will include worship with a sermon - and the rare opportunity to discuss it just after it's been preached! The preacher is Alan Billings . Rev. Dr. Alan Billings is an Anglican Priest, former Director of the Centre for Ethics and Religion at Lancaster University, and a regular contributor to "Thought for the Day" on BBC Radio 4. The day will run from 10am to 4pm (coffee/tea and buffet lunch will be provided). The cost will be £15.00 per person Full details and online booking

A Listening Lent

Wednesday 22 February to Tuesday 3 April 2012 in the Yurt, Bradford Cathedral A Lenten programme of listening events organised by Touchstone and Bradford Cathedral, two Christian communities in Bradford City Centre working together to develop a ministry of Christian Listening. Full details (pdf)

Youth and Children - time to Get Set

With youth and children on your mind for the 2012 Games, here's three ways to be to be at your best. 1. Sign up for the Youth and Children workshops at Get Set - the day for churches to get ready for the Games. Youth and Children are both among the 11 workshops at our 'Get Set' days throughout the UK. At the ' reach and minister to young people' workshop you will discover: Custom-made resources for school ministry How to engage with those beyond the church through a youth café How sport can play a strategic role in youth At the 'reach and minister to children' workshop you will discover: Custom-made resources for the summer of 2012 and beyond Simple ways to add va-va-voom to reaching children Engaging children in ministry to their friends The vital do's and don'ts when developing a team But don't come alone . The workshop choice will give your church new ideas, strategies, skills and resources to help them well beyo...

Social Justice - time to Get Set

With social responsibility on your mind for the 2012 Games, here's some important news. Our Social Justice Team have highlighted human trafficking and prostitution , homelessness , the environment and Fair-trade as ways you and your church can play their part. Here's your next step -            1. Sign up for the Social Justice workshop at Get Set - the day for churches to get ready for the Games. Social Justice is one of the 11 workshops at each of our 'Get Set' days throughout the UK. Here you will discover: How your church can respond to human trafficking and prostitution How your church can respond to homelessness How your church can be responsible over the environment and Fair-trade Engaging with peace through the '100 Days of Peace' initiative Please don't come alone . The full workshop choice at Get Set gives your church new ideas, strategies, skills and resources to help them well beyon...

Christianity - What do Christians believe?

Christianity A great web site from the Christian Enquiry Agency with answers to the many questions people ask about Christianity.

Lent Communion

Lent Communion 10.00 am to 11.00 am Six tuesdays in Lent commencing 28 February 2012 Good Friday 10.00 am to 11.00 am Drop in for 5 minutes or 1 hour for quiet reflection and self-served communion Everyone welcome Thackley Methodist Church Thackley Road, Thackley, BRADFORD, BD10 0RH 

Zephaniah Celebration Day

10.00 am - 4.00 pm Saturday 25 February 2012 Shipley Baptist Church New Kirkgate, Shipley, D18 3QY You are invited to join us in celebrating our 18th birthday.  To mark the occasion we are holding a Celebration Day.  The Day gives us a chance to meet with our supporters and other interested parties, showcasing the work that we do, and giving our supporters the opportunity to join us for a short commissioning service to send us out for our 19th year. We have designed the programme for the day to give you an opportunity to get a taste of as much of our work as possible, and experience a little bit of what the children in our schools experience.  You are welcome to drop in to the bits that interest you, or join us for the whole day. 'Up Front' 10.00 am Assembly - John Froud 10.30 am Drum workshop - Mark Drake 11.00 am Refugee Voices 11.30 am Poetry Workshop - John Fround 12.00 noon Bible Times Talk - Julie Wilkinson 7 John & Sheena Froud 12.30 pm Open th...

ECG 2012 - 10-15 April Scarborough Spa

ECG  2012 - 10-15 April - Scarborough Spa This year we are looking at the theme of 'Journey'.  I don't know about you but when I go on a journey I am always really excited about getting to the place I am going to and sometimes miss out on the journey itself.  This year at ECG we are going to take time to stop and reflect and to look around us at what God is doing in this moment in our lives and our communities - Taking time to listen, look, feel and experience the work and movement of the Spirit in the present age!  Jesus was clear about the tension we must hold between the destination of the Journey and taking time with the people along the way.  The journey has a conclusion - heaven, but the journey towards can be an exciting and vibrant one.  Together lets be refilled, refuelled and reenergised for the journey God has called us to. Full details ...

Yorkshire 10k Runs - More than Gold

If the Olympics or running the race inspire you, why not join our team and run 1, 2 or 3 of the Yorkshire 10k runs?  3 June in Hull 8 July in Leeds 5 August in York Sign up at  and let Steph Jenner know you've done so and what, if anything, you're being sponsored for.  More Than Gold t-shirts will be available for you to run in if you wish at £6, please let Steph know your size.